To Get It Over With

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A/N: Woo next chapter! How exciting.... um...... so yeah, here it is. :3

Dibs POV:

"Dib I suggest you get up" Someone rubs my arm gently.

I groan and roll over in response. Nope, not getting up to another day of Zims complaints and wannabe man. I feel the person bring me to laying on my back again before straddling my hips, their legs caging me from escape. "Get up" they whisper into my ear sternly. I open my eyes reflexively only to see the alien himself, Zim.

"Wh-what are you doing?" My voice cracks from sleep.

By now Zim is looking down at me, "Waking you up." he states.

It's been two days in this place and now it's day three. According to that wannabe guy well yesterday we finally found out his name is actually Glenn Petty, anyways, he said we're going hiking. Zim waves a hand in front of my face, looking a bit aggravated, "Were you even listening?" you could even hear the attitude in his voice. Somehow he always manages to look cute in those distressed states of his.. that reminds me, why is he on top of me? I blink a few times realizing this. 

"Um.. what were you saying?"

He sighs replying, "If you slept any longer you wont have time to get ready.." He's been paying attention to me that much? I pick up my cell to check the time and yet , he's right . It's 7:30 we have to be out and about at, at least 8:15 so... I better... I look back up at Zim... not get up.

I smirk just slightly looking up at the alien, "So, what urged you to get on top of me?"

He blushes before justifying himself, "No matter how hard I tried, you'd roll over or groan" He pauses, "So this seemed to be the only way to wake you."

I grunt in response and Zim goes to get up.. that's not happening yet, I hold his waist in place. Zim looks down at me in confusion. "What are you doing?"

"If you get up then we have to go" I emphasize 'we'.

Zim sighs and readjusts himself over my.. area. I don't understand how he doesn't see my "fondness" for him,as he'd say. "I think we'd still eventually end up going."

"Whatever you say"

"Will you please let go of me now, just the other day you hadn't wanted to skip for my benefits" He's always saying things like that at the worst of times, always intervening in what i want. That sentence doesn't sound too appropriate either.

"We would've been caught and besides you weren't be straddling me then, were you?" I insist, my smirk almost widening.


"'But' what" I cut him off as I sit up, still holding him in place.

"You weren't giving me a reason to" He glares at the fact that I interrupted him, "And get away from me Dib-stink" Again with the names.

My smirk morphs into a sweet smile, "fine, fine" I kiss his cheek, then quickly move him off of me to get up and change. I'm going to miss those caging legs on me. I scavenge through my bag, taking out some clothes for today. Zim watches me blushing. I through on the articles of clothing, his eyes barely straying from me. I push some of my hair back and fix my glasses on my face, that when I reach my hand out for his, the alien comply and takes the offer, we leave the cabin for the tiring event.

This is going to be a very tempting day.

Zim releases my hand and I frown, like a little kid having his candy taken away from them. I don't even think he as an alien swings my way but, I can change that. 

Once we reached the infamous cafeteria and had breakfast, we all gathered outside for Mr.Petty to guide us to our unwanted activity of the day.. I can't complain too much though, hiking, not like I mind that or anything but, the fun gets taken away wen your class is full of assholes.

Mr.Petty finally arrives and begins his almost routine explanation by now, stay with your partner, don't wander off, and so on.. We follow the man into the woods towards a trail. Bright and dark, hot and cold, creepy and yet, absolutely not. Just waiting to see an apparition somewhere in here... Yeah still "crazy"

Zim walks besides me and I look down at him, no wonder the Tallests are so respected, everyone else is short.. they legitimately tower over everyone. I wonder how they have such advanced technology and then Gir. It's as if they went through the garbage and through scraps together then some random junk into his head..

"Why are you staring at me?"

"Your so short"

"And?" I see him getting angry with me, even getting along in our own little way it's still funny to tease the alien.

"Does that make you fun sized?"

"What's that suppose to mean?" He huffs.

"I can play with you?" I laugh slightly not even understanding myself partially.

"That's not happening."

I smile at his response, if he only knew the half of it.

A/N: So I typed this up, just for you! If you liked it... maybe you can, vote, comment, spread the love, let me know. lol (I've been typing this too long...)

Anyways, thanks for reading this far, I've got some ideas for the next chapter.  (would've written more but it's getting late where i am)

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