I kept myself hidden in the house for the rest of the weekend but didn’t really have a choice when it came to Monday. Normally I’d listen to music on the way to the bus stop but I found myself looking around with paranoia. This went on for the rest of the week and soon we were back to the weekend again. That Friday I put on a pair of my jeans to find a hole in the knee which I had no idea how it got there. I was pretty annoyed seeing as I only owned three pairs. I had no option but to journey into the city on a quest to buy some clothes.

I got on the bus and paid for a ticket then swiftly took a seat at the front of the bus leaving a seat free next to me. There were a group of kids at the back and a handful of pensioners in the middle section. After the first five minutes of being a bit tense I calmed slightly as I got carried away with my music. The bus slowed as we came to a stop, a boy about my age stepped on; he was quite handsome may I add. He was dressed casually in designer clothes like all the popular lads. He had light brown hair styled in a brown haircut with chocolate eyes which I’m sure has all the girls falling to his feet. I noted to myself that he was good looking and brushed it off assuming that boys like him didn’t mingle with people like me. I faced the window as the bus began to move again but soon tensed up when I felt someone take a seat beside me. My eyes widened with surprise ‘the bus is practically empty why is he sitting next to me?’ I changed my expression to a friendly smile before casually looking next to me. His mouth was moving but I couldn’t hear a thing. I pulled my ear phones out “Pardon?” I asked.

“I said you looked a bit lonely so I thought I’d keep you company,” he laughed “if that’s alright?” he asked.  

“Yeah that’s fine…thanks,” I smiled and blushed slightly.

“Where you heading?”

“The city, you?”

“Same. I had to get out of the house- had a bit of a row with the parents,” he laughed. “Oh I’m Seb by the way,” he looked down at the floor smiling. ‘Oh my God how do I deal with this? Do I shake his hand?’ I panicked- I DON’T DO SOCIALISING! Keep your hands to yourself Roxy! I reminded myself.

“I’m Roxy,” I stared at the floor.

“Cool, that’s a nice name. Don’t hear that very often.” He complemented. After that remark I was smiling for the rest of the day. We arrived in the city and I told him I had to go and buy a few pairs of jeans and one or two t-shirts expecting him to run a mile but he didn’t. We wandered into the shop talking and as we walked down the aisles I picked up three pairs of jeans in different styles and folded them over my arm like a waiter holds a towel. We then found ourselves in the t-shirt section where I grabbed a plain white t-shirt and a black t-shit with lace arms then headed to the tills.

“Is that it? Aren’t you going to try them on and ask if your bum looks big in them?” he raised his eyebrows as we stood in the queue. I looked at him questioningly “Wow. I thought we’d be in here at least an hour.”

“You’re thinking of a stereotypical woman, which I am definitely not.” I corrected him as we took a step forward and I laid the clothes on the checkout. “Besides, I’ve got better things to do.”

“…like coming to watch a film with me?” At first I didn’t believe I heard those words. Did he just ask me out on a date?!

The rest of the day was amazing. I forgot about all my troubles and felt normal. He wasn’t creepy either, during the whole film he didn’t make a single move on me. He seemed like a genuine nice guy, that’s my stereotype of boys wearing expensive brands gone out the window. I was expecting him to be a complete prick.

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