chapter eight

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[ chapter eight ; ]

"Who are you calling? What part of running do you not understand?" Wanda demanded as she followed after Owen and Claire through the trees. She heard the ground-shakingly loud roar of Indominus then, coming from . . . ahead of them. "And how did we get behind this thing?!"

"No, you-- Wait, what?" Claire asked, as she and Owen began to slow. 

Wanda came to a staggering stop beside Owen, surveying the scene before them. There was a large, glass dome, that she was pretty sure was the home of flying dinosaurs . . . and the Indominus Rex was headed straight toward it. 

"Owen, they've . . . they've got that big gun on the chopper," Claire stammered, before she went quiet, listening to whoever was on the other end of the line. "Where's his teacher? What do you mean he's already left--?"

"What's going on?" Owen asked her, but before she could answer, Wanda could hear the sound of a helicopter overhead.

She stared at it as it passed, watching as it slowly approached the Indominus, and the giant glass bird cage. When she tore her gaze away from it, Claire spoke; "Mr. Masrani's flying it," she breathed. "He-- they couldn't find his teacher . . ."

All three of them watched the scene unfolding in total silence. Shots began to fire down toward the Indominus, but from what Wanda could see, none of them were hitting their target. Indominus blasted through the glass cage with an audible roar, and Wanda's jaw dropped when she witnessed the flying dinosaurs beginning to flock out of the cage.

"I . . . don't think . . ." she started to say, but the words died on her tongue before she could finish a thought. 

The helicopter was still firing shots, but they were no longer well aimed, and the next thing Wanda knew several of the flying dinosaurs were practically buzzing around the chopper. One went through a window, before another one got caught in the blades.

Everything Wanda witnessed from that point on was slow motion. Her eyes widened when she saw the chopper begin to plummet; she could feel Claire's terror rising as it spun out of control . . . then smashed through the roof of the cage creating an even bigger hole than the one the Indominus had made. 

She could see the yellow burst of light as the helicopter exploded inside the glass cage, but before she could even process that the owner of the park had just died, all of the flying dinosaurs were rapidly exiting the cage. It was a giant blur of wings and teeth, and Wanda was already walking backwards when she heard Owen shouting, "Trees! To the trees! Now!"

They all ran for the trees, disappearing into the cover just before the dinosaurs were overhead. 

"We've got to head back to the park!" Claire said breathlessly as she ran. "The boys are there--"

"Conveniently enough, that's where the pteranodon's and dimorphodon's are headed, so yeah," Owen agreed, "park it is!"


The park was a chaotic disaster. Tourists were getting dive-bombed left and right. Wanda didn't even have time to warn Claire of getting inside; the director ran off almost as instantly as the thought formed in Wanda's mind, Claire had run off shouting, "Zach! Gray!"

"Okay," Owen said, already adjusting his hold on his rifle. He fired off a few shots, taking down several of the flying terrors, before glancing over at Wanda. "Now would be an awesome time for you to do your Avenger . . . thing!"

Wanda grinned widely, her eyes already red, her hands beginning to glow. "Not a problem," she said under her breath, before shouting, "Everybody down!" and throwing up a huge barrier above all of the tourists in a fifteen foot radius. Once enough of the dinosaurs seemed to have picked up on the fact that they weren't going to get past the red glow, Wanda dropped the barrier, and began to take them down individually.

"Inside!" she commanded, when she realized people were staring at her in awe, or stupefaction, or both. "Now! GO!" She yelled, before forcing four of the flying dinosaurs into each other, then sending them rocketing off too fast for them to re-right themselves.

"Zach! Gray!" Claire was still shouting, standing on top of something now.

Owen was shooting down anything that got too close to her, and when Wanda watched him reload his gun, she took up his job for him. She eliminated almost fifteen of the things, before one of them came at Owen from behind, knocking him off his feet, then diving on him.

"Okay! No! No no!" he got out in a grunt, gripping the thing hard enough to keep it from snapping it's jaws on his neck, or face, despite it's strenuous efforts. 

Wanda twisted toward him, and with a sharp gesture tore it off of him, before flicking her wrist and in the process snapping it's neck. She gave him a smug smile, and was about to turn away from him to keep fighting the dinosaurs off, when he stepped toward her, and pulled her close, giving her a fast, hard kiss.

When he pulled away, she stared at him in shock. "Owen Grady . . . you are a very good kisser."

He grinned fully at her, the best smile she'd ever seen coming from him. "Wanda Maximoff," he replied, "you are a dinosaur fighting boss." He then nodded past her, "And now, we have company."

She turned and flashed a small smile when she saw Claire, and that smile only widened when she saw Claire's nephews were now with her. She still couldn't help but to see a little bit of Pietro in Zach, even as he gaped at her, and she found herself highly amused by the total shock on Gray's face.

"You-- You got an Avenger to come to the island?" Zach asked incredibly. "Whoa."

"You're the Scarlet Witch!" Gray declared loudly, beaming all the while, before his face suddenly fell as his thoughts turned. He looked up at Claire then, frown in place, "The mosasaurus ate our baby sitter."

"Oh . . . oh my," Claire stammered, glancing up at Owen and Wanda. "Well, um, you're with me now, and everything's going to be fine--"

"Yeah, but for now, we need to get out from the open," Owen said, right as Wanda stepped away from him and slung a stray pteranodon off toward the mosasaurus exhibit.

Gray gave a low whistle, staring at Wanda in admiration. "That was so cool! Can I have your autograph?"

"Moving, now, let's go," Owen urged before Wanda could answer, waving Claire and the boys after them as they headed toward the worker's behind the scene section of the park.

Fight or Flight » JW / AvengersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora