Chilled to the bone Ch.1

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" My name is Faith by the way." I whispered. Slowly starting to lift his shirt up again. He didn't argue with me that time. I looked at his stomach catching sight of an all to familiar blue smoke making its way out of his open wound.

"Liam Dunbar." He grunted out before clasping to the ground into a groaning mess. Softly I grabbed ahold  of his shoulder and lifted him up slinging his arm around my shoulder. His other arm clutching his abdomen in pain.

"Shit did the siren Stab you with something." Turning around on the back of my  heal. I looked at the siren noticing something sharp in its hand I picked it up not even realizing that their was wolvesbane on the handle until it was to late. The instant my hand came in contact with it a burning feeling erupted through my hand.Yelping in pain I dropped the blade. what the skittles was that.

A loud thud echoed through out my ears. I didn't even realize I had dropped the injured boy until I looked over my shoulder to see him laying on his side breathing heavily. Swinging his arm over my shoulder I quickly apologized. Even though he weighed a lot more then I thought he would. I put a little bit more of my werewolf strength into helping him to my house. Racing to my house that was hidden behind the dense woods. I could slowly see the boy losing conscious.

"Stay with me okay, I am going to make your pain go away." I whispered into his ear. His only response was a load whimper. Throwing the door open to my house I quickly climbed up the stairs leading towards my bedroom.

Laying him down on my bed. He was gasping for air trying to hold back his screams. His loud and agonizing whimpers rang throughout the house. I rushed towards my nightstand. Opening the top drawer I shifted through all the jars of wolvesbane and their cures. I grabbed my special jar full of a sticky substance grabbing about a quarter size of it I softly paced it on his wound having to hold him down with my other hand. He started thrashing around screaming and howling trying to get out of my grip. His wolf took over and tried to bite me or maybe even scratch me to get out of my grasp. The sounds of his loud roars and growls will always be in-beaded into my mind for the rest of my life.

I crawled over the bed and pulled him into my lap rocking the both of us back and forth. Whispering soothing thoughts into his ear as he let out another set of screams racked throughout his body. The wound slowly started to mend itself back together. I ran my hands through his hair in a soothing motion. It was almost as if he was leaning into my touch.

His screams and roars of pain slowly died down and turned into whimpers. I was about to climb off my bed but an armed circled its way around my wait and pulled me back down. I looked down at the arm not liking the skin to skin contact ripped it off standing up quickly before he could grab me again.

The doorbell started to ring repeatedly who the hell Would want to ring a doorbell at midnight. then the sound of someone pounding on the door.

Opening the door I grabbed the annoying person and slams their back on the wall, I bared my canines at the teenager already know and he was a true alpha. I could sense it with every fiber in my body he was.

" Scott McCall, you're a true alpha. I didn't even have to know it I could sense with every fiber in my body. I can also smell your power rating off of you. I guess you're wondering what I am because I have a different smell then normal werewolves... Well lets just cut to the chase I may hybrid part werewolf protector and part banshee. Oh and let's not forget I am also an alpha."

I whispered into his ear releasing him from the chokehold I had him in. His coughing and ragged breathing bounce off the walls of my hallway.

"By the way before you ask I will just tell you my name also and save you the trouble of that. It's Faith." I stated holding my hand out for him to shake. He just looked at me as if I was crazy.

Rolling my eyes at him I was cut off by a loud bang echoing throughout the house as someone ran into my front door. Jumping slightly from the noise. I quickly opened the door to see a very familiar boy on my front porch rolling around in pain. He was obviously human or else he wouldn't be rolling on my front porch in pain.

"Is this your friend?" I questioned trying my hardest to not laugh my butt off. All his response was a shocked nod of the head.
Sighing I picked the boy up bridle style catching him by surprise laying him down on my couch. I ran into my kitchen to grab him an ice pack for his head. Placing it on his head I noticed the alpha was watching me with curious eyes.

"Your beta Liam, is up stairs resting. He was attacked by a siren that stabbed him with wolvesbane."

"Where the hell is he I need to see him he is a newly turned beta. I can't believe I let him out of my sight." He mumbled the last part to himself.

"He is alright I cleaned him up and got the wolvesbane out of his system I would just let him rest he is very tired. Now if you will excuse me I need you to leave you can have him tomorrow. You can see him if you like you just have to be quite." I said

"This is stiles by the way. He's my best friend he's also like a brother to me." He said. Once we reached my room I opened the door to see Liam still withering in pain. Whimpering every so often.

"What did you do to him!"
Scott growled at me quickly making his way over to his wounded beta's side. Rolling my eyes. I was growing slightly irritated that he was not listening to me before.

" I told you I had to get th-." He lifted me up, and slammed my head against the wall before I could finish . An intense pain erupted from the back of my head as I met the eyes of a very angry alpha. Wrong move true alpha. Now you just got on my bad side.

I looked down at the hand the was slowly tightening around my neck. As every single second that ticked by is would slowly get tighter. Growling I aloud myself to change half way. Snarling at him I grabbed ahold of his arm and twisted it back words. Yelping in pain he dropped me. Growling I stormed up to him and slammed him face first into my wall. Earning a shocked look from the two boys.

"Scott I didn't hurt him ok you obviously where not listening to me earlier about how I saved his life." His only reply was grabbing my arm and twisting me around so I was in the position he was in earlier he was cutting off my air supply by the second my air way started to close up faster the before. All of the sudden he was gone and I was able to breathe. Collapsing to the floor I gulped in tons of air trying to breathe again. Growling was heard in front of me but I only hear the sound of someone roaring. Blocking out the roar the only thing on my mind was to not black out.

"LEAVE HER ALONE SCOTT SHE WAS THE ONE THAT SAVED MY LIFE." Liam snarled out standing protectively in front of me. That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.


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