The before bit

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It's been a while since I did something like this. Hi, hey, hello, Charlie here. I just kind of figured why the hell not write another fanfic since my last one went so greatly (you'll know what I mean if you read Wild Eyes). 

When Michael was 8 he met Calum and never managed to get rid of him.

Wow, I really gave a lot away there, didn't I? Anyway, let me just go ahead and write down the warnings and whatnot because I don't want any relapsing going on:

-Boyxboy (obvs)
-Suicide mentions
-Self harm
-Child molestation

This just sounds wonderful.

Michael and Calum have been BFFL for a while, they're both 17 in this btw, Michael has an awful past and Calum's just only starting to learn about it. 

I also starred (*) the chapters that contain smutt of some sort.

Oh and btw all the boys are English!

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