Not my Best Moments

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I've been told that I was a manipulative child, did anything to get my way. My brother said I was pure evil. I admit I did some things like steal,bully,and etc. Later on when I got older I started hanging out with people that would soon get me in trouble. So 7th and 8th were not my best years. 7th grade was when the depression started and it suckeddddddd. I don't really know how it happened but It just did, it was a sad time and I didn't know if anyone really cared for me. So I decided to cut one day after I got off the phone with my boyfriend. He just made me so angry so I did it. the nest day at school my friends demanded to see my wrist. They so and told. I was so pissed and felt so betrayed. They called my grandparents and I was freaking out. My grandma came and she was beyond pissed at me. She said stuff and I said stuff. She almost left me somewhere. Later on turns out my language teacher called the hospital so that they could look at my arms. So when we went they put me in a white room and told me to strip and put on a hospital gown. I got a little freaked out because I still had the razor in my back pocket so I hid it in the hand sanitizer out side the door. When I went back into the room it to forever the whole time I talked to my grandma and my adoptive sister who was only 2 at the time. My fucked up mind decided to talk about the different stuff in there that I could use to kill myself. Later on after all that I was okay but still had to go to a therapist. I was grounded for a month from my phone though which im over now. The next year was worse so there was this game I once played a friend a I had a vapor and we would see who would get caught first in fast forward (its mandatory) if we blew the smoke upwards. Neither of us did. Then a friend brought alcohol to school and we drank it. We got caught though. We had to go to an alternative school. I liked it there I fit in really good. I did some random pills that this dude gave me, made me see some shit, he's from Florida good guy. He had a crush on me, I said no to him, then spread a rumor of me sleeping with this chick. I stopped after that I didn't wont to upset my family any more. My mom kept calling me an alcoholic and I called her a pot head. Like she has any right to call me an alcoholic when shes the one that goes to AA meetings. She told my grandmother that she didn't smoke pot and my dad was like we all know you do. Funny memories oh yes indeed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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