Sigh of Relief

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That moment when a child crys when there born a parent lets out a sigh of relief knowing that their child is actually there and safe. For me it was a different story, I was quiet. My father told me in that moment all he felt was panic and sadness. Seeing his daughter blue and motionless is nothing a father wonts to look at. Moments later docters rushed me off and soon revived me, though I can't remember how long I was gone, minutes maybe.When my parents told me that I was born dead I was a little scared. The funny thing is blue has always been my favorite color. The thing is I didn't stay with my parents, months later, my grandparents took me in. They raised me to the age of 14 ,almost 15. I am who I am because of them, there good people. And soon you'll know my full story.

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