Chapter 2

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Previously on- am your vampire

"You don't have to know who I am but I will tell you what I am" I didn't know what was he on about. I blinked for a second then he was right in front of my face I moved back with a shock. He opened his mouth and went down to my ear "vampire"
Chapter 2

Blossom P.O.V

and walked back but the tree held me, it can't be true vampire never existed they are just in books and movies nothing else.

"Your lying. Vampire never existed" he smirked and that made me freak out.

"I'll prove it" he opened his mouth, his two teeth are going longer and sharper from there gums, their fangs but. My mind is going numb it can't be right vampire never existed. "Still don't believe me" I nodded "then why are you scared" he smirked.

"Because your a stranger and you are telling me story's that don't exist" he laughed at what I said "what so funny" I got Mad.

"You think am mental" I nodded "well then, what do you want me to prove that am a vampire" he said.

"All vampires have super speed, right" he nodded "show me that, bring me a flower that is in the middle of this forest" he rolled his eyes but nodded, with the next second he was out of site no wear to be seen. I waited for him 1 minutes and he was coming out of the forest with the flower. as soon as I wanted to talk he was right I front of me.

"Here you go" he gave me the flower as I was in full shock, there has to be a reason probably he is just a fast runner. "Do you now believe me" I shook my head.

"Your just a fast runner that's all" he rolled his eyes.

"Then what else, jeez I fill like a slave Evan tho you should be one" I had wide eyes. What does he mean by I should be a slave. "Anyways your coming with me" he said as he grabbed me by my wrist and started to walk and took my stuff.

"Let me go" I struggled to get out of his grip but it was no use he was a lot stronger then me.

"No can do" he said with a husky voice. After 3 minutes of walking he finely stopped, reviling me standing in front of a black car, you could barely see it because it was pitch black here. He let go of me, here is my chance to run.

"If your planning on running, there is no use. I could find you from a distance now that I know what smell you have" stalker, but he is pretty fast and me, I couldn't Evan run a distance that's why everyone never picket me to be in there team in school. So I listened and waited, he put my stuff at the back of the car then closed it after he opened a door, I think it is a passenger seat.

"Get in" he said rather harshly, why would I go in someone's car that I don't Evan know and that he claims to be a vampire, he could of rape me or Evan kill me. So I shook my head.

"Jeez am not going to hurt you" I shook my head again "fine then" he walked up to me and grabbed me by my wrist again and sat me in the passengers seat after he closed the door and went to the other side of the car, he opened the door and sat down and closed the door. Then he clicked something on the door and started the car, I gulped

"Can I go now" he shook his head "listen I don't know you and how should I know you won't hurt me" I said as he drove off.

"I won't and it's a vampire promise" he said as he focused on where ever he was driving me.

He pulled to a stop and turn the engine off, I looked out the window was that we're he lives he is so rich. I was in a shock of this place.

"Don't worry you didn't see the inside" he walked out of the car and walked to the side I am and opened the door "you can come out now" I walked out of the car and the first thing I did was glancing at this places, it wasn't a house not a mansion, it's a castle is he a prince or something.

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