Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

No one P.O.V

Blossom is a regular 16 year old teenager. she didn't have brown hair or black nor blond but orange/red long hair that go up to her butt. She had really beautiful eyes everyone really loved her eye colour she had pink eyes. Her natural hair is curly she normally straights it to hide it.

This girl was really pretty but no one know she had parents that fight all the times she is really good at hiding emotions. She wasn't brave nor shy.


In the morning. Blossom woke up at 7:00 because it was Monday and on Mondays she has To go back to her stupid school she wasn't popular in her school but not a loser she was normal.
She got out of her bed. went to bathroom next to her room took a quick shower to get herself nice and fresh. When she got ready and came out of the bathroom she heard her parents shout she wasn't happy about it she wanted her parents to finely give up on fighting and leave a nice family life but it never happened.

She sat at her bed and laid down looking at the ceiling and hearing her parents shout about stupid things like smoking, drugs and all other stuff you see her parents are not like her there more strict and shouty. Her mum always shout at her dad because he comes home late everyday drunk and her dad shouts at blossoms mum because she goes out with her friends every morning. Blossom never asked her parents where they normally go because she doesn't want to get in the business.

Blossom P.O.V

I got up went downstairs got something to eat in the kitchen. I looked throw all the shelves and the fridge but i didn't see nothing appetising I sigh. I grabbed a orange fruit and went back to my room to grab my school bag along with my phone I went back down to put my shoes on and left the house not bothering to say to my parents goodbye because they end up not listening so I stopped with saying goodbye to my parents.

I went in the school building and walked to my locker to put my school bag in the locker and put the phone in my pocket. As soon as I closed it Melanie came to my side with a bright smile I shot a smile back at her.

"Hey blossom" she said in her sweet and calm voice. You see this is my friend she always is funny but sometimes she is very calm that's why I like her she could make me happy when am sad.

"Hey Melanie" I smiled at her once again and she smiled back right at me. As soon as we wanted to do our conversation the bell rang I said to Melanie 'goodbyes and see you later' she smiled and we walked to our separate classes.

After school bell rang it was home time
And all went home except me and some other students. I went to my after school club cheerleading. I didn't really get all the moves because I just entered and I don't think I will get in.

"Next" as I founded out that is was my turn I gulped and went in front of the leaders of the cheerleading. "Tell us your name" the Middle girl said to me.

"Blossom swift" I said as they nodded for my moves to start I was really nervous so I made a hand stand then I jumped to the air and rotated 2 times then landed on my feet then done 5 back flips and then 5 front flips back to the centre "ta da" I said as I ended.

"That was really impressive blossom" the right girl said and the left girl nodded.

"But not so impressive. We need a cheerleader that is more into it and care about it. Next" my smiled faded. I did know I will fail I am just a failure in most of sports and cheerleading.

I walked out of the school building got my phone out of my bag and rang Melanie. I waited for about 2 seconds then someone answered.

"Hey who is it" I then put a smile on my face as I heard her High pitch voice she really sounded happy.

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