Chapter 26: Good Girls

Start from the beginning

"What makes you think I'd give up that easy?" Hailey asks. She stays put in her spot and looks for a reason to stick around.

"Hailey, just get out of my damn house!" I yell and pull open the door.

"Woah, no need for the swearing, Ashy. I'm just trying to help," she shrugs.

"Help me with what?"

"Realizing what's right in front of you."

Sighing, I respond, "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm done with you, Hailey. You're just another bad memory."

"Well, why don't we make good memories then? Starting with a movie night. I'll pick out the movie and you can make the popcorn!" Hailey cheers, moving into the living room. Slapping myself in the face, I cringe and follow her, standing next to the couch and watching Hailey grab the remote from my sister.

"Hey!" Lauren shouts.

"Sorry, hun, but it's our turn now," she remarks. She sits on the couch and makes herself comfortable, flipping through the channels.

"Wait a minute. Hailey? Why are you here?" Lauren questions, obviously not ecstatic about seeing her.

"Oh, don't act like you didn't miss me," Hailey replies with a smile.

"Oh, I'm not acting," my sister voices and then turns to me. "Ashton. Kitchen. Now."

Lauren stands up and walks out of the room. I step after her and once we're out of Hailey's earshot, Lauren flips around and gives me a glare. For an eleven year old, she has a pretty tough expression that could literally scare someone.

"I can't get rid of her!" I explain.

"You're not together with her again, are you? I thought you were with Monica," she questions, folding her arms.

"I am. She came out of nowhere," I clarify, pointing at the living room. Lauren pauses and thinks for a moment and I'm hoping she'll say something that will help kick Hailey out of our house.

"Well, if she's staying, then I'm going in my room," Lauren finally tells me and shuffles down the hallway.

Great. I'm stuck with Hailey. By myself. For who knows how long. Fuck my life.

Monica's P.O.V.

Staring at the spot where Michael was just a second ago, I can't believe he zapped out on me. And he's probably going to ignore me for another week all because I forgot about training and walking with him. I'm already pissed and if this avoiding does continue, I will be livid.

I turn around and stride over to my bike, thankful it's still there because I didn't grab a lock. Before I mount it, I check my phone to see if I have any new messages, but because of how anti-social I am, no one ever texts me. Okay, well my best friends do, but Michael's mad, I haven't apologized to Tatiana, Luke never needs me for anything, and Calum hardly talks to me outside of group events. That leaves Ashton and surprisingly, I do have a new message from him.

Hey love, you forgot your teddy bear at my house. I'll be home all night so you can come pick it up whenever you want. Love you :*

How many other things am I gonna forget today?!

I don't feel like making the trip to Ashton's house, but I really would like my present and it would make me feel better to see my boyfriend. Strapping my bag over my shoulder, I slip my phone back into it and climb on my bike, beginning the journey.

I'm exhausted by the time I reach his house and all I want to do is go home, eat, and sleep. Leaning my bike on the railing, I ring the doorbell and wait. I probably should have warned Ashton that I was coming, but oh well. He said I can show up whenever so surprise!

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