Chapter 14

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"Principal Weber, I know that graduation isn't for a few months, but Jeremy just got accepted into this great art school." Elena explains as we sit in the principal's office at school.

"Jeremy Gilbert? I don't think so, not with his academic record." Principal Weber argues.

"What's wrong with it?" She asks.

"You have a few hours?" He raises an eyebrow. "Alright. Let's start with drug use his freshmen year."

"You mean the year that his parents died?" I chime in.

"Okay. So what's the excuse for the next three years of woeful attendance?" He counters.

"Extracurricular activities, health and fitness. That sort of thing." I lie.

"I mean, did you see how scrawny he used to be?" Damon asks for me.

"No, but I do recall the four months where he faked his own death." Principal Weber continues to shoot us down.

"Funny thing about that, he actually didn't fake it." Damon explains. "We went on this island off the coast of Canada in search of this cure for vampirism, and Jeremy-"

"Damon." Elena and I both scold quickly.

"Is this some sort of joke to you?" The principal asks.

"No, look, Jeremy has had a rough time here. I know, but that's part of the reason why we want him to go." Elena clarifies.

"Well, I'm sorry but I can't let that happen."

"So can we try this my way now?" Damon asks us, not happy with Principal Weber's answer.

"We already compelled Jeremy into art school." I say with a sigh.

"Sorry that I wanted my little brother to actually get a degree." Elena huffs.

"He will. He just won't earn it." Damon shrugs before turning back to the principal to compel him. "Okay, um...this small town atmosphere doesn't nurture a creative spirit like Jeremy Gilbert. And it's of your opinion that it's high time for him to get the hell out of Mystic Falls."


Damon and I follow Elena into the Grill where Jeremy is talking to Matt.

"Oh, look who graduated." Damon cheers, tossing a graduation cap at Jeremy.

"He was okay with it?" Jeremy frowns.

"Sure." Damon nods. "I mean, practically flunking, missed 100 days of school, and you can barely spell the word 'cat,' but sure. He was fine with you graduating early."

"We helped the process along a little bit." I add as Jeremy rolls his eyes.

"I'm gonna go get a drink." Elena says, walking over to the bar.

"She okay?" Jeremy asks as we watch her walk away.

"She will be. We all will." I say strongly.

"Somehow we'll all find a way to move on without you, Jeremy. Oh, hey. I just did." Damon teases. "Oh and look in the cap. I jacked a little going away present from Ric's girlfriend's stash. Keep it hidden. If you tell your sister, you're dead...again."

I roll my eyes and give Damon a small smile as Jeremy laughs.


Elena went to go spend some time with Jeremy before he leaves. I'm gonna miss him like crazy, but I'm really happy that he's finally getting out of here. It's exactly what he needs.

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