Chapter 5

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan and roll over to answer it.

"Hello?" I ask, not recognizing the number.

"Hey, Tripp Cooke." The voice says.

Tripp's in charge of the neighborhood watch group that Matt's in. Turns out, he knows about vampires so I took Enzo to him. This guy knows how to make vampires suffer so I turned Enzo in so that he wouldn't be my problem anymore.

Plus, it makes me look less suspicious if I turn another vampire.

"I, uh, I just wanted to thank you for turning over that vampire, Enzo." Tripp tells me. "He's been very helpful."

Well, that wasn't part of the plan. Tripp was supposed to kill him, not use him to get information.

"Enzo?" I question, sitting up in bed. "I...I thought you were supposed to kill him."

"Oh, I will...eventually. Once I know everything he does."

"What has he told you?" I ask nervously. Enzo is definitely the type of person that would turn me in for revenge.

"Sounds like the vampire problem in Mystic Falls isn't as bad as I thought. I mean if he had any names he'd gave given them up." He explains. "Lord knows I've done plenty of things to get him to talk."

"Well...that's, um...good to hear."

"Yeah, seems like it's moved on to Savannah." Tripp says and I tense up. "I've sent some of my guys down there. They're gonna check it out and see what they find."

"Thanks for the heads up." I sigh before hanging up.

I hear a loud noise downstairs. Ivy. All the more reason to get the hell out of here.

I need to see Caroline. Hopefully she'll be able to help me with this newbie vampire.


I'm sitting in class, watching as Ric writes the word 'homecoming' on the board and underlines it.

"Homecoming." He reads before turning to the class. "Alright. By a show of hands, who knows the supernatural origin of tonight's homecoming party?"

No one raises their hands and Ric looks at me, rolling his eyes. I just give him a small smile because I don't know the answer either.

"A civil war soldier, Nathan Whitmore, horribly disfigured throughout countless battles." Ric explains with a sigh. "Somehow he survived them all just so he could get home to the woman he loved and when he finally got home, he found her in bed with his brother. He murdered his brother in cold blood and then chased the love of his life out into the cornfields."

What a terribly horrifying story, Ric?

"The legend goes that Lady Whitmore is out on this night every year dressed in white, covered in her lover's blood, running through the cornfield, screaming for her life."

Everyone in class looks around at each other as Ric speaks.

"And the moral of the story is? Do not fall in love...especially with your brother's girl." Ric cuts a glance at me, and I roll my eyes. "Alright, kids. Have fun tonight. Be safe."

He finishes speaking and everyone gets up, walking towards the door. I stand and walk down to the front of the room to talk to Ric.

"You know, that cautionary tale would have had more of an impact on me about two weeks ago." I tell him.

"Speaking of which, have you changed your mind about me compelling you to forget about him yet?" He asks, and I sigh.

"Why do you say 'yet' as if I'm gonna wake up one day and realize that my life is over if I don't have the traumatic memories of loving a serial killer?"

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