Chapter 16

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"It's like she never lived here." I say to Stefan over the phone as Elena and I examine our dorm room at Whitmore. All of Caroline's stuff is gone.

"How's her house?" Elena asks Stefan.

"Totally empty. Caroline took everything but the damn doors off the hinges." He explains.

Stefan found me after Caroline snapped my neck. He was coming to talk to Caroline, but it was too late. She was gone.

Everyone split up to look for her, but I went straight to Jo. I needed to make sure that the baby was okay after what Caroline did.

Thankfully, my vampirism kept the baby alive and has also made it so that I haven't experienced any of the real pains of pregnancy. Any time something like that happens, my body heals quickly and I barely feel the pain.

"So what? She just flipped her humanity switch, came back to the dorm, took all of her clothes, and just left town?" I question, opening some of Caroline's drawers. They're all empty.

"Yeah, that makes no sense." Elena adds.

"This coming from a girl who burned down her house, and another girl who erased all of her memories of her boyfriend." Stefan fires, and I roll my eyes.

"Do you think she's trying to cut off all ties to her past?" Elena asks.

"I certainly don't think she's having a yard sale, Elena." Stefan snaps.

"Okay, why are you getting mad at us?" I step in as Stefan gets sassy. "We're not the ones who did this."

Stefan takes a long sigh on the other end. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Okay, look. I'm gonna look around campus, maybe someone has seen her." Elena suggests, and I nod.

"Stefan, let us know if you find anything, okay?" I add.

"Alright. I will." Stefan confirms before hanging up.

"Looks like you two could use a friend." A voice says from behind me, and my heart stops.

I spin around along with Elena to see Bonnie standing behind us with a smile on her face. What the hell? This can't be real. Is this real?

"Oh my god. Bonnie?" I ask as she laughs.

"How are you..." Elena trails off in as much shock as me.

"Alive?" Bonnie finishes. "You'd think I'd be used to this coming back to life thing by now." She giggles.

I don't care how she's here or why she's here. I hurry over to her, and pull her into my arms as Elena joins our group hug.

Bonnie's back.


Last night's discovery with Bonnie has me a little freaked out so I've decided to get to the bottom of this.

"I can't believe Bonnie made it out." Kai exclaims as I use a crowbar to try to open my mother's coffin in the family crypt. "Actually, I can. She's plucky. Hey, do you need help?"

His question causes me to roll my eyes.

"Oh, before you answer that, I'd rather not. I keep experiencing these pangs of guilt watching you. Feelings are hard." He rambles.

"So is the end of this crowbar." I threaten.

"I'm just saying, digging up mommy's grave." He says with a laugh. "That's dark. Even for me. And totally unnecessary, Damon. Bonnie saw her alive in a 1903 prison world."

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