Monday May 18th 2015

Start from the beginning

"You're okay?" I asked.

"Something is not right." he admitted, barely looking at me. "I have mixed feelings about this."

I rang the bell. It was a woman, just like the first time. As she let us in, Jiyong's expression became more and more complicated the closer we arrived to the main entrance. Once we were inside, his eyes scanned the place and were then fixed on placards on the wall, small ads, humanitarian posters and an anti-bullying advertisement.

For the third time, as Seunghyun helped me, I talked to the middle-aged receptionist about the boys' story and how sorry I was about not having any official document. However, this time, her eyes lit up as soon as she heard Jiyong's name and she opened a drawer to look at some papers.

"I remember this boy. Kwon Jiyong..." she repeated thoughtfully. "Poor boy's life was not easy here. He was bullied a lot."

"Bullied?" I repeated, surprised.

The lady nodded.

"Children who come here are not always the sweetest, to say the least. They come from families in which they were either beaten or neglected. Sometimes they would learn from their parents' behavior and try to seek power and negative attention by bullying children who happen to be younger, weaker, or just a little different than them-"

"-and Jiyong was one of them." I cut her off to make clear she didn't need to lecture me any further; I knew from experience about bullying too.

She confirmed.

"He wasn't a difficult child. He just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. And since the poor boy loved to act as the Good Samaritan most of the time, he was bullied more often than the others."

"What's wrong with being a Good Samaritan?" I replied disdainfully, shocked at her comment which I thought sounded cynical.

"Nothing." the lady humbly replied. "According to me, you just need to know when and where to do it. That's all."

"Then there is no point in-" I tried to add, but then Seunghyun cut me off.

"Please tell us if we can talk to the director."

He was right to do so. For a second, I was too drawn to my own past. We were still on a mission after all! The receptionist looked at us both with a cold expression.

"I'm sorry. You can't. The director is very busy for the next three days."

"Three days? We don't have three days!" I exclaimed so loudly that some heads turned at me.

However, the fifty-year old remained stoic.

"Miss, there are a lot of couples trying to adopt in here. You can't just come in here unannounced and expect your son to be welcomed with open arms. Some of the future parents take an appointment a year in advance and come from the other side of the globe to see us!"

For some reason, she sounded a little defensive there. Yet I couldn't care less about what she was saying. Even when we showed her Jyong, she stood by her point and said that anybody could change their hair color and pretend to be him since children change a lot from 10 to 20. I hate the fact that she had a point. She sighed and told me to give me my number. Maybe she could manage to see if the director could see us for ten minutes in the next hour but she made no promises so we might as well stay around for a bit longer. I scrambled my number on a piece of note and we left. Once we got outside, I couldn't help but kick the concrete bench we were sitting on in frustration.

"That stuck-up old hag!" I exclaimed. "I'm sure she recognized you, no matter what she said. But she'd rather let you live in the street than forget about the procedure for one freaking hour!"

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