Sunday April 26th 2015

566 12 3

Hi, again! It's been a while!!

I just read my last pages and I must say, I hate how it ended on such a moody note. Things are much better now :D ! I still can't say a single Korean word for the moment so all I can do for now is just stare and smile awkwardly at the other Korean scientists when I run into them (like that's not creepy at all -.-') and they either look at me even more creepily or just smile politely because they don't speak English either. But well, that's still nice of them! My American colleagues are nice too, even though they don't talk much to me yet because well, I'm still the boss' girlfriend after all T^T

Don't worry, my dear co-workers, soon you will forget all about our status and tell me all the gossips about my Jo-Jo when he's not around ^^ I won't tell him of course, I'm just curious. And that doesn't mean they won't get their own share of nice stories about him in exchange :P

I also noticed that they and Jo don't talk much to their Korean peers either, I mean even outside of the lab, even though some of them are definitely fluent in Korean. But from what I've heard from Jo-Jo,he said that Koreans are not known to be particularly open-minded people. Yeah well, from the comments I heard growing up as the only black girl in a suburbia full of white rich stuck-ups and their snooty kids, I can definitely say that we Americans shouldn't consider ourselves a model of tolerance either :-/

Speaking of guys, the boys are great :D :D :D !!

I know I shouldn't call them "boys" or "kids" but they act and look so childish, I just can't wrap my head around the fact that they are almost my age! My age! In my head, it just goes: "DOES NOT COMPUTE – WAY TOO CUTE ><"

I was glad to see that they were as good in teamwork as individually :)  I already saw that they had unique aptitudes. But I noticed they had very distinct personalities too. Actually, now that I know them all a little better, I established a quick portrait of each of them in my head:

TAEYANG: black spiky hair on the top and shaved on the sides (he seems to like that haircut a lot because every time he thinks nobody is looking, he goes to any window to check on it ^^). He is the strongest. He was the one I saw breaking mannequins in pieces. He is usually bare-chested, especially during training sessions. Not that I complain about that... Ok, I have no shame -.-'. Watching his abs makes me want to ask Jo to please, please, please go back to the gym so his abs can look a little more like these :D I know there is not much to expect of him at the age of 54 but, you know, a little hope doesn't hurt ;) To my surprise, he is also the shiest of the group and he doesn't "talk" much. By that, I mean he does not communicate or make a lot of eye-contact, especially with women. He seems intimidated by them for some reason. However, when he is in a team, he definitely knows when and where to follow others and when to SMASH STUFF!! Looking at his statistics, he won all of his previous combats against the other members, except against T.O.P. Aside from that, he spends most of the daytime training some more in his cell by placing his mattress against the wall vertically in order to punch it. Since this is where his first dosage of black goo was tested, the "Superman's blood" must be weekly applied on the muscles of his arms, which are the most developed muscles of his body.

DAESUNG: Short white-blond messy hair. He was the one who took care of the boy who hurt his leg. Since the "Superman's blood" was applied on his hands when he was admitted, he can heal wounds easily. The whole team seems to prefer him to the rest of the group even though he is not as strong or as resistant as the four others. He is also the cutest :3 He loves physical contact and laughs a lot. In his cell, he installed his mattress as close to the doors as possible and usually tries to take a peek outside, waiting for the training session all day or just for someone to pass next to his cell and smile at him/her, to which the staff member passing by always smiles back. His smile is irresistible. Literally. It's so irresistible that his primal combat strategy in the field consists in letting the enemy approach then smiling at him. In response, the enemy, whether a soldier or another boy, immediately gives up on fighting him, even when he is brought back to the combat by force. He didn't lose any of his fights. But since he didn't win them either, the team doesn't know if they should consider this a success or not. According to Joseph, if he were set free, Daesung would get the whole world at his feet. The problem is that he wouldn't know what to do with it :P He shows an equal affection to all the members of the group yet seems to be Taeyang's favorite, along with G-Dragon ;)

Monsters (Big Bang fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora