Tuesday May 12th 2015

324 12 3

I love these guys. They are the best thing that ever happened to me. If they ever come across this journal, I just want them to know that I mean every single word. I am proud of you, boys. Never change.

As we had to go buy some new furniture to replace the broken ones, we looked for shops in town. Of course, since I am broke now and everything was so expensive, we soon went back home empty handed T_T. Yet I was pleased to have the boys stay close to me and to one another all the time, neither running nor touching anything without asking for permission. They particularly kept a close eye on Top who himself did not attempt anything suspicious and followed the group docilely. Of course, his eyes were cold and kept avoiding mine.

Shopping,or rather quasi-shopping, kept us busy all morning. As the sky became overcast with heavy dark grey clouds, I brought the boys back to our district to check the situation from afar: from the corner of the street, I recognized one of the vans from the lab parked on the sidewalk. As she was leaving our building, my neighbor recognized me and greeted me with a smile. She said a man in a suit with an American accent had been waiting for me at my doorstep. When I asked her if she had talked to him, she said he had told her he worked for a local lab and had asked her questions. She had politely informed him that my mother was in Seoul and would be back in a couple days and that however, he could still talk to her daughter and her five friends who were on vacation here. At these words, I tensed. So did the boys. She added that, for a foreigner, he spoke Korean very well and was well-mannered as he then politely bowed to her with a warm smile, saying he didn't want to bother her any longer and that he would be patiently waiting for us to come back. We said goodbye and she walked away, leaving the six of us standing in circle on the sidewalk, staring at each other. Then the five boys all looked in my direction.

I bit my lip as I started thinking. There was no way we could go back to the apartment at all now. Had he called for back ups yet? Was he armed? Would he try to force the door and search the apartment? Thank God I had thought about taking my computer with me before we left! I lead our group towards the closest bus stop and looked at the map. Where could we go now?

"Everywhere is an open area." I pointed out, thinking out loud. "If he sends people to look for us, we will not be able to hide in the crowd, this time. We need to go some place far from the city."

However, if we took the bus, we wouldn't go far and there was a small chance we would encounter familiar faces. I was becoming more and more paranoid with every second D: !

Suddenly,my heart raced when G-Dragon started running away, followed by the others.

"Wait! Where are you going?" I exclaimed and ran fast enough to grab one of them, Daesung, by the shoulder before they accelerated.

However, he smiled and took me by the hand before he started running after the others again, giving me no choice but to run along further and further away from our place. Thank god I was wearing pants and sneakers today. It seems like I'm becoming smarter every day with these guys around -_-'

When they finally stopped, they were barely sweating and I was exhausted with my hands on my knees, my hair falling all over my face, hanging from the bun I had tied it in this morning, gasping for air like an old accordion. When I raised my head, I was surprised to see that they had brought us at the taxi station we saw this morning at some street during our shopping session. "What a memory!" I thought. I've been living here for more than a month and even with a map, I get lost all the time T_T. The boys pulled me towards one of the free cabs, opened its front door and gently pushed me inside. The driver watched us get in, a little surprised as the boys stuffed themselves in the back and told him something so fast I couldn't understand it. The car started instantly, taking us to more unknown streets.

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