Monday May 11th 2015

327 8 1


It's been three days since the boys and I escaped from the lab. I should soon be looking for another job if we want to survive financially. Who would have thought being free would cost so much! Tonight has been windy and since the bedroom window is still broken, I have been sleeping in the cold for three nights. Today, I was woken up against my will again. However, this time, it was because of an annoying ringing sound and then, a few minutes later, Seungri's hand shaking my shoulder lightly. When I recognized him and saw he looked worried, I rubbed my eyes and yawned. My throat felt rather sore and I had a light fever. I think it was around 9 o'clock. Some of the boys were still sleeping.  

"What is it?" I croaked.

"Phone."he said and pointed at the door. 

 When I went to the living-room, still in my pajamas, my first reflex was to rush to the interphone and talk to the man (or woman) who had been ringing for so long.Who could it be, so early in the morning? However, I froze when I looked at the little screen of the interphone and recognized the uniforms of a couple policemen. In a microsecond, I remembered Saturday, the memories hitting me like a meteorite. I was tempted by the idea of not picking up the phone at all but eventually did, aware that ignoring it would only delay the inevitable. 

 "Yoboseyo?"I asked hesitantly. 


"Neh." I answered, surprised by the female elder honorific, then realized they probably thought they were talking to my mum and decided to play along. "I'm sorry. I speak a little Korean but not much so please talk slowly." 

The policemen then started to explain slowly all about the incident that I already knew about. However, when I asked them details about what happened, just to know how much they knew about it,, they said they had no idea of what the mysterious "mass hysteria" came from and that no witness wanted to talk or hear about it anymore. However, they knew that "my daughter" was related to the incident since she appeared clearly on the recorded videos. 

 "Did it hit the news?" 

For a second, the man who was explaining paused, both of their faces looking a little confused by the urgency in my voice, then they shook their heads. They must have thought I was one of these crazy lonely grannies who do nothing but watch TV all day and get excited when they hear about anything related to them on TV. 

 "No halmeoni. It didn't. However, we would like to ask you a couple questions about your daughter since she is still missing. She still has to pay for the plasma screens she broke with another boy. They destroyed a lot of them. Can we come in?"

I hesitated. In my back, from the doorframe, I noticed the boys slowly waking up,stretching their arms and yawning. 

"I'm sorry, officer." I declared softly. "I know she's missing but she is not here. And I have no idea of where she could be. Tell the agents to send me the bill. I'll pay for the broken screens, don't worry."

"Who is it?" G-Dragon suddenly came from behind me and talked in the microphone as he looked at the screen. 

I froze. 

"Who is it, Mrs Clarke?" one the policemen asked.

"He is one of my neighbors' grandsons." I lied. "He came to visit me because he knows how worried I am about my daughter." 

"Could we talk to him for a moment? We would just like to ask you both basic questions about your daughter: how often she visited you, her friends, her habits, the places she could have possibly gone to..."

"I can't because... she never visited me!" I cut him off sharply. "She never even gave me a single phone-call ever since she arrived here about a month ago. After everything I did for her, no mail, no Skype call, let alone Facebook... Nothing. She has no friends, no places to visit, no habits, she's a complete stranger! Now if you excuse me, officer, I'm going to hang off to have some peace. Show some mercy to an old woman! There's no way I will say one more word about my daughter to anyone before I hear of her by herself first!" 

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