chapter 3

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Lately at school all the talk has been about Blake and I. I find it stupid and annoying. Blake doesn't seem to care all that much. Everyday so far this week has been the same. Come to school, kiss good bye, day dream in the first 4 hours, sit by him at lunch, wait for school to be over. Every day and today is Thursday.

I'm sitting in my room doing homework, but mostly dreaming about Blake. I'm home alone since my parents are still at work. They shouldn't be home until 5, right now it's 3:35. I'm just finishing my homework when I hear a knock on the door.

I run down the stairs, stopping for a minute to check how I look. Usual 17 year old me, long black hair to my back in a ponytail, with my gray eyes staring sweetly back, still the same height (5'4"). I run to the door making a sharp stop to make it seem like i was not running.

"Hey." Blake says when I open the door.

"Hi. What's up?" I answer with a smile.

"O i was just wondering if you wanted to go to a movie." 

"Sure. Just a minute." I run to the kitchen and grab a pencil and paper. Then i quickly explain that I went to a movie (carefully remembering not to mention Blake) and will be back around 9.

I turn around to see him standing in front of me. I look into his deep brown eyes and realize I love Blake.

"Are you ready?"

"I love you." is my answer. Smooth.

"What did you say?" He seems puzzled and yet ecstatic. 

"I said 'I love you'" I say yet again with a little less confidence. 

"I love you too." He says. I look up at him with surprise because i didn't expect that. "You look surprised." he says with a laugh.

In response I nervously laugh. Wow, it feels like an out of body experience. I want to say more but when I look in his eyes, I feel as though nothing in the world could change this right now. 

Well, except for my Dad walking in.

"Hey pumpkin! Oh.... um.... I'll be upstairs..." he says awkwardly. That's my Dad, making things more awkward then they already are.

"Nope, that's fine. We were just leaving." Blake says with so much confidence that i just didn't have right now. 

"I'll be back before 9. Tell Mom that I've gone out for dinner." I say smiling up at Blake.

"Okay." Dad shouts as he walks up the stairs.

Once he has turned into his room, Blake cups my cheek in his hands and kisses me. It doesn't last long, afraid my dad will come down stairs again. 

We rush out of my house to his car. Thinking we are going to the movies, but then he stops in front of some trees. 

"I thought we were going to a movie?" I asked confused.

"I changed my mind." He says getting out of the car smiling. I quickly get out to follow him curious as a child.

When I catch up to him, he is staring up at a big tree with a tree house attached. 

"It's beautiful."

"It sure is. It reminds me of you." Immediatly my cheeks flush with heat. 

"Come on." I hear him say while he starts to climb a ladder. I follow up after him. I am almost up when I start to fall back. I hear an odd sound escape my lips and feel his support. He caught me by the waist and grabbed my hand to help me up the rest of the way.

When I have my feet planted on the firm floor, he pulls me closer and whispers, "That was close." I nod in response still frightened. 

He can see the fright in my eyes because at that moment he kisses me. A soft passionate kiss. To reasure me everything is okay. And I know everything will be okay now.

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