All eyes were on me as I spoke, "Good evening," I started, "I know it means a lot to my parents that you shown up. Um, I really don't know what to say because this was so unexpected. You never think something like this would happen to you, but it happened to me." I sniffled as a tear slowly slid down my cheek. "My parents were very good people. Everyone loved them. They did everything they could to make people happy, no matter the consequences." I looked down and laughed slightly, "I remember when I was riding my bike for the first time without training wheels. I was so scared, but my father was right behind me, cheering me on. But then I fell...." I giggled, trying to lighten up the mood. The room was filled with giggles. "But the question I keep asking is "why?" Why did God take away my parents? Partcially, I blame myself because the last thing I said to them weren't so nice."

I bit my lip as a quiet sob left my mouth, "You should always say the right thing, even at the wrong times because you never know when it's someone's last day. Hug your love one's and tell them you love them. That's what I didn't do. Instead, I yelled at them and stormed off. I regret that so much. That's something that will always haunt me. So please, keep your love one's close and show them how much you love them because they could be gone within a blink of an eye." I paused, taking a deep breath. "I...I just...." I stopped, I couldn't go on. I cried in my hands in front of everyone.

I felt someone next to me within a second, holding me closely and comforting me. It was the same person who had been with me and never left my side. "You can do it.." Zayn whispered in my ear.

I looked up at Zayn. His eyes were watery and I could see he was trying his best not to cry in front of not only me, but everyone else. But once our eyes met, he let it all out. I know it killed him to see me this way.

I nodded and continued, "I just love them so much. I wish I could tell them that one last time. I know I'll see them again." I looked over at my sister, who was crying into Darren's chest. "Now, I think my sister, Britney, would like to say a few words." I finally said, grabbing Zayn's hand and sitting down in the first pue.

My friends comforted me, whether it was a small hug or a hand on my shoulder, it helped because I knew I had people that was here for me through this depressing time.


After the funeral and many tears shedding, it was over. People were lining up and hugging my sister and I, one by one. Zayn never left my side and I was thankful.

"Hello." A man in a grey suit said. "I'm Dave from the life insurance place. I have your parents will that I would like to go over with you." He said, pulling out a piece of paper.

"Okay." I said.

He cleared his throat and looked down at the paper, "It says here that they left you the house."

I shook my head, "Give it to my sister. I can't live in it, knowing my parents aren't there anymore. I can't do it." I told the man.

"Where's your sister?" He asked.

"Right here." Britney said, "Can I help you?" She asked nicely.

"I just told Grace here that her parents left her the house, but she insisted on handing it over to you." He said.

She looked at me then back at the man, "Listen, I think we have had enough for one day. How about we call you within the next couple of days and we can discuss this again...privately." She commanded.

The guy nodded, "Ahh, I see. Okay. I am so sorry for your loss. Take care." He told us as he walked away.

I sighed deeply, "I just want to go home.." I mumbled.

"We can." Zayn said, motioning us to the car.

I hugged my sister goodbye and left in the car with Zayn, Niall, and Harry.


Waking up from my slumber, I noticed it was dark outside. I looked over at the clock; 9:44 pm. I slept for six hours. Well, I needed it.

I took in my surroundings, I realized I fell asleep at the boys' flat. I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs into the kitchen. On the counter, there was a note:


Went out to go grab something to eat. Didn't want to wake you since you haven't slept in days. Be back shortly.

Zayn xx

I was alone, great. I shouldn't be alone, not right now. I walked toward the fridge and opened it, scanning the products for something to drink. My eyes landed on a vodka bottle. It was new and hasn't been open.

"This should do." I spoke to myself.

I grabbed the bottle and twisted the cap off, placing the bottle to my lips. The cold, steong liquis ran down my throat as I scrunched my face up, due to its strong taste. After a few drinks, I got used to it.

There was a knock at the door. Who would be coming over at this hour? I thought to myself as I walked over to door, opening it. There stood the dark haired boy from Starbucks; Ricky.

"Oh, hi." He said, rocking back and forth on his feet.

"Hi." I said with no emotion in my voice. All I did was take another drink.

"Is Zayn here?" He asked and I shook my head. "Well, will you tell him to call me as soon as he gets back?" I nodded my head. He smiled sweetly and started to walk away. As I was about to shut the door, I heard him say, "Grace..." I opened the door and looked at him, "I'm sorry about your parents." He said with sympathy in his voice.

"Thank you." I said, smiling weakly.

He walked closer to me, "Here, take some of this." He said, handing me a plastic bag with a green grassy substance in it.

"What's this?" I asked him, slowly taking it from his hand.

"Just a little something to get your mind off things." He said. I nodded, "See you around, Grace." He said with a wink, walking away and down the street.

When he was out of my vision, I shut the door and looked at the bag again. "It wouldn't hurt." I told myself as I took another long drink of vodka. "Better get started." I shrugged, walking off into the living room.

A/N: So, I updated with a really depressing chapter. But, it had to happen. It's almost 2am & I just wrote this tonight, LOL.

Do you think Grace actually tried it? Will she get better or will it all go down hill from here?

You'll have to see






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