Stark Tower

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Steve's POV

"Hey JARVIS. Miss me?" Tony called out as he threw himself down on his sofa, gesturing for me to come join him. I sat down kinda awkwardly. Tony's tower was massive. I'd never really been here apart from once after we fought Loki, that party that Ultron ruined and a couple of other random parties that Tony had thrown over the years.

"Of course, Tony." JARVIS replied. "Would you like anything?"

"I'm okay." Tony stopped talking to JARVIS and turned to me. "So what movie do you want to watch?"

"Um I know it sounds childish but... Have you got Big Hero 6? I wanted to see it at the cinema but Sam wouldn't come with me and if I went alone, I'd get mobbed."

"Yeah. Sure. Big Hero 6 it is." We settled into the movie, a little awkwardly at first, but by about halfway through the movie, I was snuggled up to Tony, resting my head on his shoulder with my legs stretched out across his sofa. 


It was really cosy, just watching the movie together. One moment, I was wide awake, watching as Hiro fist-bumped Baymax, and the next, I was fast asleep, probably drooling on Tony.

"Hey. Steve. You gotta wake up. The chubby robot thing just- it kinda just died. You gotta watch the end of the movie." Tony gently shook me awake. I lifted my head off his shoulder, a little dazed at first.

"He died? Baymax died? Oh!" I gasped. Poor Baymax. Everyone in this movie was dying.

"Can I tell you a secret? He isn't actually dead. It's okay." Tony whispered into my ear.

"Oh. Okay." Hell of a plot twist. I nestled my head back on his shoulder.

-/It's okay! Spoilers over! Read on!/-

The movie ended and we didn't really have much to do. I stretched as Tony turned off the tv and yawned.

"So... What d'you want to do now, Captain Sparkles?" Tony moved his head slightly so that he could see me.

"First, please please don't ever call me 'Captain Sparkles' again. Because right now, I'm imagining myself in a sparkly princess dress. I look ridiculous. But, like, we could do the date? We could go to like, a coffee shop or something?" I offered, still cringing about admitting to imagining myself in a sparkly princess dress.

Tony laughed. "I bet you'd look hot in a dress." We both blushed at the same time and Tony turned away. We sat in silence for a second before Tony turned back to me. "Well, putting that aside, the only places that will be open for definite are Starbucks and McDonald's. Oh, and you're still wearing your uniform, so do you want to borrow a shirt and some jeans? Or would you rather have a sparkly princess dress?" He cracked up at his own joke. I just kinda glared at him.

"Very funny. But for real, can I borrow some clothes? And go to McDonald's?" I looked up at Tony.

"Yeah. Sure. We have pretty much the same body type, right? Hmm, your shoulders are broader... and your waist is smaller..." I felt a little self conscious as Tony looked up and down my body. "Yep, my clothes should fit you quite well. Even though you have the body shape of a dorito." He looked me up and down once more, then stood up and gestured to his room. I stood up and followed him. 

"Tony, what if someone recognises that I'm wearing your clothes?" I asked as we passed his kitchen on the way to his room. "Or what if someone saw us come in here, wearing my uniform, and then leaving wearing a different pair of clothes." I worried out loud. 

"Don't get your American flag patterned boxers in a twist. I'm sure it'll be fine. Anyway, plain white t-shirt? That looks like something you'd wear." He passed me the t-shirt and continued searching for clothes that would fit me. "Black jeans? Not really your style but I only have one pair of blue jeans and they're in the wash."

"Okay. Black jeans are fine." I took the jeans as Tony left the room, closing the door behind him. I got dressed quickly. The jeans fit me perfectly, but the t-shirt was a bit tight around the shoulders and chest, and a little loose around my waist. It felt a little weird but I left the room to go back to Tony again.

"Oh. Steve." Tony kind of just looked at me with wide eyes. Suddenly, I felt really awkward. 

"What? Do I look stupid? Should I just put my suit back on?" I asked self consciously.

"No! God, no, you look better in my clothes than I do." I breathed a sigh of relief. At least he didn't think I looked stupid.

"So... McDonald's?" I asked, changing the subject. Tony stood up from the couch.

"Yeah. But we'll have to walk, because I don't have a car any more. I kinda... turned into another suit last week. Then that mission happened and I was in hospital for a few days." Tony used his hands a lot while he spoke. "So, I've not really had time to buy a new one."

"That's okay. We can walk. Ooh, and how are you feeling? It's probably important to keep an eye on you since you pretty much broke out of hospital."

"It was hardly a breakout. But because you're wondering, I'm okay. A little sore around my chest but I'm alright. Well, let's go!"

We left for McDonald's, travelling down the tower in an elevator. Since it was part of Tony's tower, instead of the usual elevator music, rock music played quietly. I think it was ACDC but, since I was frozen for seventy years, I'm not entirely sure. I can't say I've listened to much of their music.


McDonald's was packed full of people who were heading for work. Everywhere you looked there were men in expensive looking suits, carrying briefcases and laptop bags, and women in pencil skirts and blazers holding cups of coffee. Tony and I were probably the only people not headed to work.

We found a seat together and sat down before any business people could steal it. 

"I'll order. What do you want?" Tony asked, leaning close to me.

"Um... Coffee and pancakes?" He was so close I could smell his cologne. I can't describe really what it smelled like. I just got the feeling it had been expensive.

Tony ran to where the queue was, childishly cutting in front of an important looking businessman. He turned around and winked at me as the man he cut in front of scowled. I couldn't help but laugh.


"So how's your breakfast?" Tony asked as he took a sip of coffee.

"Good. Nice. It's probably the best McDonald's breakfast I've ever had. D'you know why? Because I'm with you." I said.

"Steve, oh my god. That was so soppy. That was like the soppiest thing I've heard in my life." Tony was laughing so hard he almost snorted coffee out his nose.

"Come on. It wasn't that soppy." I took a sip of coffee to hide my blush.

"It really was. But it's cute. Anyway, you almost done?" 

"Yeah, just got some coffee. Are we going back to yours?" I replied, standing up from my seat.

"Yep. Let's go."

Maybe We Can Work      (stony fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon