Coffee, Coffee and More Coffee

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Steve's POV

"Hey. Hey, Cap. Cap. Steve. Wake up. Wake up, Steve." Natasha was shaking me awake, her red hair tickling my cheek.

"Ugh... I'm awake. What's wrong?" The first thing I did was look over at Tony. He looked exactly the same as before. I'm not entirely sure what I expected, nor am I sure whether it's good or bad that nothing had changed.

"I just wanted to see if you and Tony were alright. I brought you a coffee." She handed me the cup and sat down next to me, in the seat that Fury was sat in yesterday. It was weird seeing Nat here. She just looked so out of place, with her striking red hair and black clothes against the neutral tones of the hospital.

"Uh, thanks." I said, taking a sip of the scalding coffee. I immediately burned my tongue on it but I didn't care.

"So, how's Tony? Have they told you anything?" She pulled her legs up onto the chair and crossed them.

"All I know is he's in a coma. Nobody's told me anything, not even Bruce. They didn't tell me why, they didn't tell me how long for, hell, they didn't even tell me if he'd ever be the same again!" My voice cracked.

"Steve, are you alright? Look, I'm sure Tony'll be fine. He's a fighter. We'll get through this." Nat touched my shoulder, probably to try to sooth me.

"Yeah, but what if we don't? What if he never wakes up? What if he dies, Natasha?" I asked, subconsciously standing up out of the chair.

"Seriously, Steve, are you alright? You're getting all defensive. Is something wrong?"

"I... Nat," I sat down again, embarrassed by my actions. "I think... I think I'm gay." I blushed.

Natasha laughed. Laughed. I was confused. 

"Oh, Steve. Oh my god. We all knew that. Wait, do you like Tony?"

"I think I might." This conversation just keeps coming back.

"Ooh, Clint and Thor owe me twenty bucks each."

"You were betting on my sexuality and who I like?! With Clint and Thor? Of all people. I can't believe-"

Natasha cut me off. "Oh my god, Steve. I was joking."

"Oh." I looked away from Natasha and instead stared at Tony, still lying motionless in the hospital bed.

"Okay, sorry. That was mean. But seriously, they didn't tell you anything apart from that he was in a coma?"

"Nope. Nothing."


Natasha stayed for a little while longer, then left because she had to help Clint with something that she wouldn't tell me. I was glad she'd came to visit. She'd lifted my spirits, at least while she was here.

Nothing much happened after that. I just stayed with Tony all day. I tried talking to him a bit but it was just weird. I was so used to him making sarcastic comments or calling me names or interrupting in the middle of my sentence. It just wasn't the same without him answering.

Oh god. I've started to miss him. This is gonna hurt.


I fell asleep again for a little while. When I woke up, it was almost dark in the room. I was woken up by someone whispering my name.

"Hey, Nat, is that you?" I asked.

No reply.

"Is anyone there?"

Yet again, no reply.

But I heard my name again. Someone was whispering my name, I'm sure. I'm not going delusional. Though it would've been perfectly logical, with the amount of coffee I've been drinking recently.

"Steve." I wasn't imagining that. I checked the room, but Tony and I were the only people in here.


"Tony? Is that you?" I crept beside his bed. All the machines seemed to be fine; his heart monitor was beeping steadily and all of the lights that were supposed to be on were. His eyes were still closed, but it must've been him that said my name. That was the only reasonable option.

"Steve..." Tony whispered my name again. I scrambled to crouch next to him, so that my head was level with his.

"Tony. I'm right here. Don't worry, okay? I'm right here. I need to get Bruce, but I'll be right back." I stood up so quickly I got a headache, but I ignored it and ran straight for the door.

I sprinted halfway down the corridor until I realised I didn't actually know where Bruce would be. He was probably at home, asleep.

I ran straight back to the room. Tony was still lying there, his eyes closed.

"Hey, Tony. I'm back. Are you okay?" I whispered. It was stupid. I knew he wouldn't reply, but I still talked to him anyway.

I searched the room for a phone, but I couldn't find anything. I couldn't even find my own phone. At last, I found Tony's mobile phone in a drawer beside the hospital bed.

"How the hell do you work this?" I said aloud. Seriously, this thing was probably the most technological thing I'd ever been allowed to touch. Although, if Tony was awake, he probably wouldn't have allowed me to touch it. 

I guessed Tony's password easily (his password was 'Starky'), eventually worked out how to use it and managed to call Bruce from his contacts. He was saved as 'Science Bro 🔬' so I guessed it was Bruce. It was.

"Uh... Bruce Banner here. It's 2 am. Make it quick." He sounded exhausted. He must be, because he didn't even check the caller ID to see who had called him.

"Hey, Bruce, it's Steve. Uh... I don't know if this is normal... but-"

"Steve, I'll be right there. You're still in Tony's room, right?"

"Yeah, I am."

"Can you get me a coffee? There's a vending machine across from the door to Tony's room. I'll be as fast as I can." He hung up. I probably should have told him that it wasn't really too urgent. Too late now. I went out and got Bruce's coffee. 

I sat beside Tony's bed for a while. I just stared at the blank white wall ahead of me and listened to the sound of Tony's breathing. Every so often, he'd say my name. It was never anything other than my name; it wasn't anyone else's and it wasn't anything else. It was always just my name.

Bruce arrived about 20 minutes after the call.

"Steve. Is he okay? What's wrong? Why'd you call? Is it urgent?"

"Well, it's not really urgent. But I think it's quite important. It's about the state he's in. Well-"

"Steve, just tell me what's up." Bruce looked a little annoyed, but not I'm-gonna-turn-into-the-Hulk annoyed, so I guess that's good.

"He keeps saying my name. Like, whispering it at random moments. And it's never anyone else's name or anything."

"I don't think that's ever happened before. I'm going to give him another check-up, alright? I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room, though."

Reluctantly, I stood up and left the room. I just hoped the check-up would be over quickly, because I was damn tired. I just hope Tony's alright.

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