Um... Language

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Steve's POV:

"Wait, before we open the last envelope, do you think £1000 will last us a week?" I asked. Tony shrugged.

"Probably. And if it doesn't, we'll find a way to make some more money, right? We'll be fine. Now, do you want to open this envelope or should I?" Tony held up a blue envelope. Weirdly, no one had actually come up to us to ask for an autograph or anything. We were left completely alone, just sat on a bench together, opening envelopes and laughing and asking questions loudly.

"Let's open it together." I said, grabbing hold of one side of the envelope. Together, we both pulled. It split in half, glitter spilling out with a small piece of folded paper. Tony picked it up off the concrete, unfolding it as he sat back down next to me, a small pile of letters between us.

"Okay, it says... "Sike! I had a spare envelope and I had nothing else to write." That doesn't sound like a very Fury-ish. Oh wait, I was right. It wasn't Fury. See, right there?" Tony showed me the note, pointing to some words at the bottom. "It's says 'Love Nat'."

"So, should we go get pizza and go home?" I asked, picking up the envelope with the pizza coupons.

"Sure." Tony replied, scooping up the other three envelopes and linking his arm in mine before standing up.

We walked a couple blocks until we reached a Domino's. We bought some pizzas together - a margherita and a pepperoni (or pepper-Tony as Tony joked) - and then walked back to the apartment.

"You grab plates, I'll grab drinks." Tony said as I unlocked the door to our apartment. Flicking on the lights, I put the pizzas on the island in the kitchen and jogged to a cupboard to grab the plates. It was lucky that I was in the kitchen to find the envelope because I knew where everything was. Tony, however, didn't and was opening all the cupboards in search of some glasses.

"Babe, they're in that cupboard." I pointed to one of the cupboards that Tony hadn't yet looked in. He replied with a 'thanks' while taking out the glasses.

Tony sat down across from me at the island. "I feel like we should do a toast." He said, filling our glasses with wine that he'd found in a cupboard.

"So make a toast." I said, chewing a slice of lukewarm pizza. It tasted different from American dominoes, but it was pizza so it didn't really matter.

"Okay. Well, to our new home." Tony raised his glass and clinked it to mine.

"Was that it? That wasn't very exciting." I replied, sipping my wine.

"Well, I'm sorry. Make your own toast then." Tony said between bites of pizza.

"Okay. To you and I together in our new home, in a new country." We raised glasses again. "Was that okay?"

"Yeah, I guess it was better than mine." We ate the rest of our pizza in silence, then continued to tidy up in silence too. Well, until Tony smashed a plate and swore loudly.

"Do we have a dustpan and brush or anything?" I asked calmly as Tony stared at the shattered china. We rummaged around until we found one. After cleaning everything up, we watched some TV in the living room. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful.

Finally, after hours of watching TV without really watching it, I went to bed, closely followed by Tony. I rummaged around in my suitcase to find some pyjamas. However, after ages of searching I still couldn't find any.

"Hey, babe, have you got any spare pyjamas?" I asked Tony.

"Nah, sorry, I don't sleep in pyjamas. I usually just sleep in my underwear and a t-shirt." Tony unbuckled his belt in one fluid motion, before pulling off his jeans. I copied his actions and pulled off my own jeans. I couldn't take my eyes off Tony, lying on the bed.

"Come here, babe. Lie next to me." Tony patted the bed next to him. I lay next to him, staring up at the white ceiling.

"What are we gonna do tomorrow? We'll need to go shopping." I said. I reached out for Tony's hand and, without looking away from the ceiling, interlinked our fingers.

"Yeah, shopping, sure. What I was wondering is," Tony propped himself up with his free hand. "What you'd like to do tonight." He smirked.

"Tonight? But it's really la- Oh. You meant like... Sex." Goddammit Steve, ya dumbass. Of course he meant sex. What else are you supposed to do at 11 pm?

"Sex. I completely understand if you don't want to, if you're uncomfortable just tell me. I won't make you do anything you don't want to." Tony was sitting up, cross-legged. My head was right at his 'private' height and I could see he was hard.

"No. No, I want to. I want to give you a blowjob. Teach me." I said, letting go of his hand and sitting up so we were eye level.

"Woah, okay, Captain Kinky. You sure? One hundred percent?" Tony asked.

"One hundred percent sure. Please teach me." I replied.

"Okay. You do what feels right, how you think you should do it, then I'll show you how I would do it. I'll help you start. Kneel on the floor, make sure you're in a comfortable position for optimum blowjobs," I knelt down in front of the bed and Tony stood in front of me. "I'm gonna take off my boxers, you can start when you feel ready."

Tony pulled off his boxers, flinging them onto the bed behind him. This was the first time I'd seen a dick (other than my own) and honestly, I don't know much about dicks, but Tony's looked pretty big to me.

"I- I don't know what to do." I said, looking up at Tony.

"It's okay. Just imagine it's a lollipop or a Popsicle or something." Tony said. I licked the tip of his dick, looking up at Tony. I think I saw in a movie that a girl put a guy's whole dick in her mouth. I tried that. His penis hit the back of my throat, making me gag, but Tony seemed to like it. He moaned a swear word.

"Um... Language." I murmured through a mouthful of dick. I moved my head back and forth over his dick, licking the skin.

"Hey, hey, open your mouth." Tony said. I stopped sucking his dick and opened his mouth. He came, his hot jizz hitting my face. I instinctively swallowed, shivering as I did. It tasted a little weird, but it wasn't too bad.

"Hey, you did great. Swap places." Tony knelt down on the floor and pulled his boxers up.

Maybe We Can Work      (stony fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang