100 facts smthg xD

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28. Any talent: Besides eating and sleeping? Well maybe, drawing and writing. C:

29. Last person you talked to: My mom

30. Last person you texted: My friend

31. Last person you watched a movie with: Family! (Jurassic world desu lol)

32. Last thing you ate: Banana XD

33. Last movie/ TV show you watched: Fairy Tail (animax desu)

34. Last song you listened to: Joy (planetshakers)

35. Last thing you bought: Food (why not lol)

36. Last person you hugged: People around me hate hugs :c


37. Food: Everything lol

38. Drink: Watah

39. Bottoms: Jeans (insert shingeki no kyojin pun here bwahaha)

40. Flower: Every flower bwahaha

41. Animal: Dogs ❤


43. Movie: Many to mention c':

44. Subject: Dismissal lol (since my school hours start at 7 up to 1 only c:)

•Have you ever? (Put an X in the brackets if yes.)

45. [X] Fallen in love with someone?
46. [X] Celebrated Halloween?
47. [X] Had your heart broken?
48. [X] Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone?
49. [X] Had someone like you?
50. [X] Hated the way someone changed?
51. [] Got pg? (wtf no haha)
52. [] Had an abortion? (HAHAHA)
53. [X] Did something you regret?
54. [X] Broken a promise?
55. [X] hid a secret?
56. [X] Pretend to be happy?
57. [X] Met someone who has changed to your life?
58. [X] Pretended to be sick?
59. [] Left the country?
60. [X] Tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it?
61. [X] Cried over the silliest thing?
62. [] Ran a mile? but not necessarily in one go (i hate running bwahaha)
63. [] Gone to the beach with your best friend? (Nooo ;_;)
64. [X] Gotten into an argument with your friends?
65. [X] Disliked someone?
66. [] Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or been single forever? (I DIDNT EVEN HVE ONE LOL)


67. Eating: Nothing :'(

68. Drinking: Nothing too :(

69. Listening to: Guren no Yumiya (bahahaha)

70. Sitting or laying: Laying

71. Plans for today: Study and do hws

72. Waiting for: A miracle bwahaha

73. Want kids: wat xD

74. Want to get married: wat again xD

75. Want to travel: DEFINITELY YES

•What do you look for in a partner?

76. Lips or Eyes: wat

77. Shorter or Taller: taller (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

78. Younger or Older: prob older than me by maybe 1-2 years

79. Romantic or Spontaneous: both desu

80. Trouble-maker or Hesitant: None xD

81. Hook up or Relationship: wat lol

82. Looks or Personality: personality

•Have you ever:

83. Lost glasses: nawp

84. Snuck out of the house: opkors xD

85. Held a gun/ knife in self defense: Nope

86. Killed somebody: IN MAH STORIES! XD

87. Broke someone's heart: im the one who got broken :c

88. Been in love: definitely

89. Cried when someone dies: OF COURSE

•Do you believe in:

90. Yourself: depends on the situation xD

91. Miracles: YES

92. Love at first sight: NO

93. Heaven: YES!

94. Santa Claus: NO

95. Aliens: MAYBE

96. Ghosts/ Angels: ANGELS! Only


97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now: yep yep

98. Do you know who your real friends are: maybe

99. Do you believe in God: DEFINITELY YES!

100. Post as 100 Truths: yes yesss



I really am sorry for the late updates imcrying i cant ;_;


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