"Niall?" I hear someone whisper as they walk into my room closing the door behind them. I can faintly make out the figure of Sam.

"Yah." I say in annoyed voice if she want to be rude to me ill be rude right back.

"C-can I sleep with you tonight?" She says quietly clutching her teddy closer to her.

I didn't know she still had that old thing. I gave it to her once when we were little and the carnival was in town. I thought she had gotten rid if it; I guess not. She really did love that thing she would always sleep with it especially when she had a bad dream. Whenever I would sleep over at her house she she would always have it with her in bed.

I snap out of my thoughts quickly.

"Why don't you sleep with Louis, you hang out with him all the time now." I say frustrated.

She sighs "Niall I had a bad dream wher-"

But I cut her off, "Sam why don't you go tell Louis since he seems to be your new best friend."

"But in my dream-" She started again. I know this is probably really mean but I just need some time to thing and she kinda deserves it for what she's been doing to me.

"No Sam, you ignore me for so long and then all of a sudden you want to talk to me again. You know how bad it feels to have your best friend not talk to you? It sucks. And I can't take it anymore why don't you just go talk to louis." I say raising my voice a bit.

"No. No this can't be happening." Sam says backing up a bit.

"I think you should just leave." I sigh to her.

She quickly runs out of my room.

I know she deserved it but that was kind if mean ill have to talk to her later about it.

*Sam's POV*

"I can't take it anymore why don't you just go talk to louis." Niall yells and my eyes start to water again.

"No. No this can't be happening." I say scared as I back up a bit, he's not going to say it he would never, would he?

Niall sighs "I think you should just leave."

The tears pour out of my eyes at those six words. He just said it I can't believe he just said it. I drop Teddy and stumble out of Nialls room finding it hard to make my way to Louis' when my eyes are clouded with tears.

Finally I find the handle and push the door open climbing into Louis bed and waking him up.

"Sam," he says groggily, "Whats wrong? Are you ok?' He says more awake once he realizes I'm crying.

I try to control my sobs enough to speak.

"Y-y-you said h-he would n-n-nev-never lea-ve."

"Y-y-you pr-o-omised." I say my cries taking over my speech.  I clutch onto Louis and he wraps his arms around me tightly letting me cry into his chest.

When I my crying slows down a bit Louis takes my head in his hands and tries to wipe away my tears.

"What are you talking about Sammy?"

"N-Niall." I hiccup.

And his face looks shocked. "Stay here ill be right back." He says before getting up I grab one of his pillows and he covers me with his blanket before he walks out of the room.


*Louis' POV*

I don't know what he did but he is going to pay for it.

I walk out of my room and down the hall bursting through Niall's door.

"What did you do to her!" I yell.

"What are you talking about Louis?" Niall seems confused.

"I'm talking about Sam she's in my room right now bawling her eyes out!"

"Why is she crying? She's the one who has been ignoring me for the past days." Niall says sitting at the edge of his bed.

"You broke her heart!"


Oooooh cliff hanger, well kind of!

I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry it took me so long to update

Maybe you guys can team the story I'm co writing with lovebritishboys it's called Let Me Love You (a Liam Payne fan fic.) it's over on her account!! So go check it out!!!!

Love you guys

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