CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE: Ryotenbin no Oonoki

Start from the beginning

Shisui chuckled slightly upon hearing her. "Don't you think I already know that?" He looked at her for a moment. The rest of the team reached their location and pulled out their weapons.

"Oh? So you've brought backup, huh?" One of the Iwa Jounin murmured with a smirk. "Guess, we'll just have to kill you as well."

Hanako observed the ninjas in front of her. Everyone was in their stance, ready to fight; however there was a certain Genin who called her attention. Isao looked back at her with an evil grin. "Last time we fought each other was in the Forest of Death," he said as he pulled a kunai from his pouch. "This time, I won't play around. I will use my full power with you. After seeing your match in the third test, I'm positive you can keep up with me."

Hanako pressed her lips into a thin line. "Well, what are we waiting for?" she hissed through gritted teeth. Isao chuckled.

"Meisaigakure no Jutsu," Hanako smirked.

"You do know that jutsu doesn't work on me right?" Hanako didn't have her Sharingan activated, but she could sense that Isao hadn't moved from his place. Then he laughed, and disappeared. Hanako widened her eyes as Kaichi was suddenly lifted from the ground and thrown against a wall.

"Kaichi!" Hanako heard Hyori call to him in a worried tone, rushing towards him. She pressed her lips tightly. Isao had combined his speed with the camouflaging jutsu, making it harder for anyone to follow his movements.

"It may not work against you, Sharingan users, but I can't say the same about the rest of you," said Isao. Hanako cursed under her breath, looking sideways at Shisui. When he met her gaze, he nodded swiftly. Both Uchiha looked at Isao, and activated their Doujutsu in sync.

The Tsuchikage must have been a good distance away from the village at the time, so Hanako had to hurry so that she could catch up to him. She made a seal with her hands and concentrated a big amount of chakra in her chest. "Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku." Ever since Madara had taught her that jutsu, Hanako had preferred it over the normal Goukkakyu because of its larger range. The Gouka Mekkyaku quickly covered her entire surroundings in the hot flames of the fire. Even the Konoha Genin had to find a place to protect themselves from the fire. Hanako jumped to the top of a tree to watch the flames burning brightly until they consumed everything in its wake. The sight brought memories to the girl.

Hanako walked through the dark passage of a cave with her Sharingan activated, careful not to trip over a loose rock. When she reached the end of the tunnel, she found herself in a spacious room. Madara was waiting for her. The room was so dark, Hanako barely managed to discern a bed in a faraway corner, and the wooden throne in which Madara was sitting. He had his eyes closed as he breathed deeply and rhythmically. Hanako wondered if he had been sleeping and decided to approach him. Close enough, Madara finally opened his eyes and looked up at her.

"You came," he said. Hanako stopped walking and tilted her head as he looked strangely at him.

"I thought you were sleeping," she commented curiously. He chuckled, shaking his head.

"When you sleep, there always has to be a part of you with your guard up, or else you might get killed while in Dreamland, young ninja."

Hanako rolled her eyes. "Hai, hai..."

"Besides," Madara continued. "I sensed you coming from a mile away." To that, Hanako raised an eyebrow.

"You sensed me, you say? Are you a sensor?"

"I am, you should be able to tell. We sensors can easily identify those of our type."

"Type?" Hanako chuckled. "I'm sorry, does that make us the same type? Because I'm sorry old man, but I'm quite certain you're not my type."

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