Chapter 3: Ray speaking :)

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"Kris,come on! we're gonna be late" I yell. Kris comes tumbling down the stairs, her gorgeous brown hair with blond streaks streams out behind her. She smiles shyly, exposing more leg than she ever has from under her denim shorts. I like seeing Kris this way;her hair down,cheeks pink from running and showing off her beautiful legs.

"Sorry Ray,lets go!" she says smiling. 

I smile right back at her and run my fingers through her hair. I just couldn't control myself. Curse my hormones. I stutter out an excuse "Sorry, I just-there was a umm knot in your hair."

She giggles "Well thanks for getting it out."

We walk to Prod's house. Its a beautiful,old black and white, Victorian style. His mom is a florist, so flowers surround the house. I see Kris eyeing the pink lilies, she has that look in her eyes. That one she gets when remembering stuff. Its adorable, her eyes light up and you can see her dimples.

On cue she says "Ray."

I smile "Kris." 

She laughs "Remember when we were kids and you took me to that garden and we picked pink lilies."

I laugh "And we went home covered in pollen, our white t-shirts became yellow that day. What about it?"

She grins "Those have been my favorite flowers since that day."

We were having such a nice moment but then Prod interrupted.

"You guys wanna come in?" he asked.

She blushes "Yeah sure."

We walk in and my football friends surround me. I leave her with Natalie and Alyssa. 

Prince walks towards her, he's so loud I can hear him from here.

"I'm so glad you came Kris. Oh and you look really good today." he says to her. 

"Thanks for inviting me... umm thanks." she replies.

I feel jealousy stir inside of me. I try to act casual and drag a friend along as I walk to her.

Prod is cool that way. He's the only one who knows about how I feel (about Kris).

Prod grins "Hey Alyssa wanna go for a swim?"

Alyssa expression is priceless. She backs up "Prod baby no!"

(Prod is her boy friend) I laugh "Do it Jere."

Prod grabs her, dumping her over his back. He grabs Natalie and calls over a guy... who picks her up as well. I pick up Kristen, wanting nothing more to kiss her right then and there, instead I threw her into the pool. Natalie screams as she's submerged into the ice water, Kris gasps for air and Alyssa shrieks hysterically. After a moment Alyssa and Natalie surface but Kris doesn't. 1 minute passes, 2 minutes and then 3 minutes. I get scared and sit down on the ground next to the pool. I lean towards the water and a hand pulls me in.

I gasp "Kris you are so evil."

She laughs uncontrollably. I clamp my hand over her mouth and she stops. She removes it and looks me in the eye, smirking "Like you didn't know that Ray."

Haha,You just can't get bored around Kristen.

What you mean to me :)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora