Cyborgs From The Future

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"What is in the skies?" Silvia pointed up in the sky, "woah that looks pretty cool!" Commented Claud. They all looked up in the sky, "how did they come here?" Lilo whispered to herself, "what did you say Lilo?" Phillip said, "oh its nothing" Lilo replied.

"Silvia come over here I need to ask you something." Lilo asked, "oh okay Lilo." Silvia answered.

They whispered:

"Silvia I remember those things when I time traveled to the future!"

"What are those exactly Lilo?"

"Those are called CYBORGS, I think they came to destroy the world for world domination. Cause of their new world leader is Jack Gerbal."

"Woah slow down girlfriend, who is Jack Gerbal and is he hot?"

"What no I never met him but I know him, and why?"

"Sorry but why world domination for?"

"I think Jack wanted to kill everyone in the past so they don't exist in the future. So he can be alone."

"Wow that is just sad!"

"I know right but we can not tell Claud he is just a huge blabber mouth so keep our mouth shut even Phillip! I wish we can tell Phillip but he is best friends with Claud and would tell Claud."

"Damn it! Look both of them are spying on us like usual!"

They both looked the way where they both were watching and grinned. Silvia and Lilo slowly both walked up to Claud and Phillip with arms crossed. Then ran towards them and grabbed their shoulders and shook them and said

"What is the meaning of talking privately mean to you both crazy eggrolls." "WHAT is the freaking matter with you ha?" "We both are going to kill you later on okay, please remind us."
*Screams are occurring blasts of fire explosions. The world with end with humanity ending in tears and bodies everywhere. Will all 4 end the disasters coming forth or will they die immediately? Lets find out!!
"Guys its time to save the world!" Silvia said. "It can't be they are back!" The Cyborgs exclaimed!
"Surrender now or die with the rest of the world immortals!" "Never we will never give up cause of weirdly shaped cyborgs!" Lilo shouted.
"Now Silvia splash them with water, Lilo tie them with vines, Claud burn their laser eyes off. I will just blow them back!" Phillip said proudly.
In a matter of minutes the Cyborgs all died. They all started to high-five each other until...
A giant machinery came out with a tiger head in front all made with strong iron and metal. "Guys we are not done yet I think this is the boss!" Claud exclaimed excitedly.
Silvia came at it with water and got shot down to the ground to cement making her skin rip and bleed. Lilo made a vie shaped ball to protect Silvia during battle. Lilo made vines on the boss to hold it still,Claud burned the vine ball. Silvia splashed the vines on the boss so the vines can come to life and become larger to attack the boss on its own.
Phillip ripped off the horn of his pegasus and strikes at the tiger head, repeatedly stabbing it, damaging it. Finishing the boss off, the 4 elements came together to form a giant orb launching at the boss defeating it.
"Whoa did you guys know we could do that?" Lilo exclaimed, "I don't think so it just came up suddenly." Phillip answered.
"Woah who said that." All said.
"Another battle is coming to us." Lilo whispered.

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