I rolled my eyes. He had to ask the one thing I didn’t know. “Honestly, I have no idea.”

He nodded and then the dark stare melted away as he focused something else. “Who were your parents?”

I sighed. “My father always said that your last name is power. He said I must never share it without being totally comfortable with someone, but I guess whether or not I feel comfortable with you, I have to share it. Somehow, I get this feeling that you aren’t really gonna let me go. Although, I see no reason why I should stay. I know that it is dangerous to be in one place for too long, because that is plain stupidity. And despite how small I am, I am not–”

“Livvy, you’re rambling for nothing. You’re not answering my question,” he smiled at me.

I shook my head. “Sorry, that happens when --- Never mind. Oh, my parents were Richard and Rowena Montgomery.”

His face darkened for a moment, and then he turned to me with a strained smile. “Your family was in the news for nearly a year. First it was about the gruesome killing, then possible suspects, then it was for why it was done, then lastly, the longest reason? They were looking for a little girl. But I need to answer some of the things you raised,” he sighed tiredly.

I was in shock. My parents’ death was in the paper? Of course, it would be! They were amazing people and generous, I yelled at myself.

“Uhm, okay?” I said shakily, my head still reeling from the idea of being in the news. I guess Alexander didn’t notice as he continued speaking. “Like I was saying, you’re right, I’m not gonna let you go. I can’t allow you to let people know where I stay. Then I can’t have you blabbering to the whole world that vampires exist. Then I need to know, why on earth is it so dangerous for you to stay in one place for too long? Oh, and one more thing I need to add, you’re at our safest with me. I promise you that no harm will come to you as long as you don’t look for harm.”

I raised my eyebrow at him. “I have to get revenge for my parents. If someone had to find out who I was they might try to kill me…” I said in an obvious tone.

He laughed out loud. I sat back and folded my arms across my chest, unimpressed with his behavior. When he noticed I wasn’t laughing, he stopped and stared at me. “Are you really serious?”

“What do you think?” I asked annoyed.

He shrugged.

“Then please explain to me why I would try so hard to live. Tell me why I fight against the cold, why I live the crappiest conditions. Tell me why I avoid getting attached and forming binds. Why else would I eat as little as possible and why would I go so far away from my home? Why would I work so hard to make myself disappear? Tell me why I didn’t commit suicide or let the depression eat away at me.” I was annoyed that he was making assumptions about me.

“I’m sorry, Livvy, but you need to remember that you a human against three vampires. It is physically impossible.”

“I know that, and that is why Luigi promised me he would start it after my birthday.”

His eyes darkened for a second, then he recomposed himself. “So what happened to Luigi?”

I looked down as pain washed over me as I remembered the family that I lost. “He had to go and disappear. Someone spilled the beans about him, or something. I don’t know he just told me he had to leave.”

“He didn’t ask you to go with him?” Alexander asked annoyed.

“He knew it would be pointless. I wouldn’t become attached to his family for the same reason. Attachment would lead to pain.”

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