Chapter One

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Chapter 1

I figure I'm just an average 15 year old girl. I have close to shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, I'm 5'8", and I'm averagely built. I thought to day was going to be a normal Saturday. My mom is taking my sister shopping, my dads working on the red car outside, and I was taking a shower. Like any other teenage girl I was singing and heard these noises that sounded like gun shots, earlier my dad did something and the car made that sound so I figured that's what it was. When I got out of the shower my mom and sister were still gone, and I figured my dad was still out side. I put on some gym shorts, and a tank top, and blow dried my hair. When I was all done I put on some flip flops grabbed my sunglasses and went outside to see if my dad needed help. Ever since that day none of my life has been the ever been close to the same. I went outside and my dad was no were to be found. Then I saw him. He was being taken away by some guys in a van. He looked unconscious, I stayed hidden were I was and didn't make a sound till I saw the van leave our road. I went into my parent's bedroom and looked for answers. Answers to what I don't know. I went into their closet and opened the safe there was an envelope with my name on it so I opened it up and found a letter. I could not believe what I was reading. The letter said something about if I'm reading this than the world must be ending soon and I'm the only one who can stop it. And that I'm what you call a Keeper. My race (there are others like me?!) was created to save the world from this uprising evil. What that letter didn't tell me though was where my family was. I checked inside the envelope again, there was a map. Being the curious person I am I took the map went back out side and followed it. If I could drive that would've been nice. The sun was shinning I was kind of mad that outside could be so cheerful even though just mere seconds ago my life was changed forever. I ended up at a cabin in the woods, it looked nice. I knocked on the door twice and when no one responded I went in. I walked through what I'm guessing was the living room into the kitchen. I found a guy in there. He was about the same height as me maybe a little taller and was down right gorgeous. I guess he heard me and when I went to introduce myself he said "I'm Tristan, just tell me what happened. Did they take your mom or dad?" I just stared at him and said, "What? How do you know they took my dad? Do I know you? What's going on?" I thought to myself major creeper, but at least he'd cute. I mean a girl can get lost in the gorgeous eyes like his and those dimples. 'Back on task Ever' I mentally slap myself. "It's okay. I won't hurt you. I have to wait for Luke to get here before I can explain this all to you-"I cut him off "Explain what exactly?" "What's going on, who you are, what a keeper is, who took your father, why you're in danger, who I am, my part in all of this, and who and what Luke is and why he's on his way." Tristan stated like he's done this before, or has just practiced going over this little speech. I pull out a chair and sit, while Tristan's pacing. "Hey sorry I'm late." A voice says. I jump out of my chair, knocking it over; Tristan turns and says "It's okay Luke." So that's what Luke looks like. He's a little taller than Tristan, blond hair and his eyes are a color that looks like fire. He has perfectly white and straight teeth. I mumble out a "Hey" and Luke gives me that head nod guys commonly do. They booth sit down and motion for me to do the same, so I do. "What do you want to know first? Some of what your about to hear may be to hard for you to understand, and hard to believe." Luke asked. "Umm, what is a Keeper?" I hesitatingly ask. Tristan looks at Luke, as if on cue, starts to answer. "Good question. A Keeper is a very strong and powerful essence in destroying Dark Angels, Black Magic, Vampires, Death Walkers and Reapers. They are the first of the five major protectors. Before you ask you can be a Keeper, Foreseer, Witch, Watcher, or an Angel. You can find out what you are by the marl you possess. A Keepers' mark is a flame in a circle, a Foreseers' mark is a lightning bolt, a Witch's mark is a poison ivy vine, a Watchers' mark is a crystal ball in a circle, and an Angels' mark is wings in a circle. A mark is a tattoo, there is also a mark of immortality; three flames that point to your heart. It's the only mark not in a circle, except the mark of evil witch is a skull and cross bones that's completely black. Marks usually are on your neck, back either wrist or ankle. Sometimes they are located on other parts of your body, it's not very rare anymore but it's still something a little odd. Does that answer your question?" Luke asks sounding every bit like a concerned older brother, great he thinks of me as his little sister. I nod and say, "Yeah, I think so. So where is my mark at?" Tristan answers this question as he looks deeply in my eyes and says "You are a very rare case; your mark is in your eyes."

The KeeperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon