Chapter 3

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No one knew what happened to the young ladies who were abducted as, to this day, not one of them was returned. But I guessed that I would find out sooner or later.

Because I was caught.

But it was strange that I felt nothing – as if I were basking in a void.

Was I perhaps dead?

If so, I wondered what happened.

Memories of Jacqueline, Colin, Stephan, and Sam were played in my mind. I recalled the sounds of their laughters, the warmth of their smiles, and the twinkle in their eyes.

But, slowly, the happiness in their faces morphed into terror.

Images of Colin's bloody shoulder, coupled with Jacqueline's screams and Stephan's cries, jolt me awake. Snapping my eyes open, I saw nothing but pitch darkness. However, there was some sort of weight that was pressed against my chest.

I froze when I realised that there was something – or rather, someone – lying next to me. I couldn't explain it, but I felt that they were watching me too.

"You're awake," I heard a low growl.

Given that the voice sounded masculine, I guessed that he was a man.

What kind? I was not sure.

I continued to stay still. As I did so, I realised that I felt his skin on mine. What puzzled me, however, was how I felt tingling sensations at the areas of contact.

The weight on my chest – which I now knew was an arm – shifted, tightening its grip around my waist. With my fear levels shooting up, I broke free from his grip and shot up, but dizziness washed over me, preventing me from running away.

The darkness was not helpful either – I did not know where I was or where I could run off to.

"Was running away once not enough?" I heard him say.

The same arm from before snaked its way around my waist once again, pulling me back down to what I assumed was a bed. Given that I was too dizzy, confused, and tired, I did not register what was going on, allowing myself to be wrapped in his arms.

Oddly, I felt safe.

And I did not understand why.

"Where am I?" I whispered.

"Back where you belong."

"Who are you?"

I received no reply. Instead, I felt something soft press against the crook of my neck, sending a delicious shiver down my spine.

What was happening to me?

Why did I like this feeling?

Then, in an instant, memories of what happened before I passed out flooded into my head.

The soldiers. The explosions. Jacqueline and the others.

I pushed him away as if his touch had burned me and found myself falling off the bed.

"Where am I?" I yelled, thinking more clearly now.

Then, the lamps were switched on, illuminating the bedroom. Squinting at the sudden brightness, I looked at the figure sitting on the bed and immediately flushed.

He was shirtless.

And not only that. He was perhaps the most beautiful being to exist, with his piercing blue eyes, though dull, watching me intensely and strands of his dark hair spilling over his forehead, making me want to run my fingers through them. His shoulders were broad and his chest was quite toned.

He Found MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang