-End of flashback -

"Mrs. Jung, can you take care of Hanbin for me?" I said holding her hands.

She responded back, smiling warmly, "I've been working here for seven years... I knew I can... I will do everything for Hanbin, he is like my own son..."

My blue shirt stained becoming dark blue where the tears finally dropped. Mrs. Jung touched my face and wiped it, "don't worry, Hanbin will be alright... just keep praying out there, I know Hanbin will get well soon..." She hugged me, patting my back softly.

This was it, the right time to cry my heart out. I sobbed, crying hard. Mrs. Jung kept giving me advises, supports, telling everything will be alright but sometimes life doesn't go the way we planned.


It was a relief that Hanbin already went to his bed at 7 night. My flight was at 9 so it made my work easier.

I opened the door of his bedroom and entered. He was sleeping peacefully. I remembered the first time I met him at the hospital when I married him... That was time when I fell I in love...

I caressed his face, admiring the view of his face. I will not forget this innocent angel... I leaned down, kissed his forehead, saying farewell.

I went out of the room, closing the door quietly. Soon as I was already downstairs, Mrs. Jung helped me brought my luggage to the car. I hugged her, asking to take a good care for Hanbin.

Soon, the chauffeur drove off.



I brought my luggage in the apartment. Quite tiring too... Hours of flight. My eyes roamed around the apartment. Quite big for a person to live in. Good thing that this apartment was already well furnished. Well, Mrs. Kim was the one who rent this apartment for me. She paid all, my bills, ticket.

I decided to take a nap first. Tired, you know.

I sat on the couch and leaned down. Hanbin... He's probably still sleeping now. It's still at 3 freaking at the morning in Korea. In America... its still at 7 pm. Of course, everyone was still sleeping. I should sleep first now...


'Something kinda crazy - Red Velvet (is playing)' My phone rang.

I woke up by the sudden ringtone as I fished out my phone from the pocket. I adjusted my eyes due to the bright sunlight.

Who the hell call me in this morning?

I looked at the ID. From Korea... I clicked the 'answer' button.

'N-noona?' The other line spoke. Hanbin... I immediately sat straight on the couch. Biting my lower lip to hold onto my tears. Hearing his voice made me alive again. I started to miss him. I imagined him sitting next to me, calling my name and went to me for a hug. I smiled as I looked up to the ceiling.

'Is that you, noona?' He sobbed. Don't tell me Hanbin that you're crying...

'Mrs. Jung, is this really noona?' Hanbin asked, maybe Mrs. Jung was the one who dialed my number for Hanbin. I heard utters from the other line.

'Hanbin, yes, it's noona.' I smiled.

'Noona! Where are you?!' He yelled. I backed my phone away then put it back near my ear.

'Mrs. Jung told that you went out, but you will come back here soon... When is that soon, noona?' He spoke, his voice showed that he was sad.

I love you [Hanbin | B.I]✓Where stories live. Discover now