A Free Day

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" Soul !!! hurry up we are going to be late " as maka said waiting impatiently " I'm coming I'm coming stop screaming will you " soul said with a lazy voice half asleep " come on we are almost late because of you " maka said grabbing soul and running to the DWMA barely arriving on time " heh we are not late i don't know why you are always so worried about being late " soul said taking deep breaths from all the running " yea yea let's just get to class " maka said a bit annoyed on what soul said, as they walked to class they noticed everyone outside of class " oh hey maka, soul " tsubaki said smiling at them " why is everyone out and not in class? " soul questioned her " well it appears that Stein isn't here today " replying to soul " where is black Star ? " soul said " well umm i'm not sure he was with me not to long ago... " telling soul with a worried look on her face " when was the last time you saw him ? " maka said curious " well i saw him with kid but I'm not sure where they are...i hope everything is alright " tsubaki said worried

" How dare you rip my jacket it looks Asymmetrical now !! " kid said in anger " well it wasn't my fault you were in my way it's just a jacket " black Star shouting back at kid while standing in a fighting position " I'm going to teach you a lesson you asymmetrical garbage " kid said while aiming at black Star with his weapons " haha!! you think bullets can hurt me bring it! " black Star then started charging at kid while trying to avoid his bullets, until he ends up getting hit " ahhh what kind of bullets do you use " black star said screaming in pain " heh don't understand me " kid said throwing his weapons to the side as they transform back " liz, patty let's go back to the mansion and grab another jacket " kid said walking back to his mansion with his weapons following him

" Did you guys hear something? " maka said " yes it came from over there " soul said running where the noise came from along with maka and tsubaki following him arriving at the scene where the noise was " oh no black Star what happened? " tsubaki ran to black Star hoping he was still alive " i'm okay it's just that kid got mad at me for accidentally ripping his black jacket " black star said standing back up " are you hurt?" tsubaki asked worried " hahah you think that i need help as i said I'm okay a man like me can never die! " blackStar said in a exciting voice maka and soul let out a sigh hearing black star talking about himself " i'm going to the library soul wanna tag along?" maka said " no thanks cool guys don't read " soul said making fun of her, maka got annoyed on souls words as she walked to the library the only thing that was on her mind was books " oh books what shall i read there's going to be so much choices oh this is difficult " she thought to herself not noticing anything around her until she ends up bumping and falling on top of someone " ummm i'm so sorry....Kid !!! " she said not noticing she's on top of him " umm mak- " kid was cut off " why did you fight black Star? " maka said a bit angry " he cut my jacket it was asymmetrical " kid said in a calm voice " oh yea kid has to make everything symmetrical " as maka thought to herself " umm maka i would be so grateful if you could get off of me now " kid said calmly not trying to make everything awkward " oh I'm sorry kid..i just got lost in my mind " maka said blushing while getting off of him " where are you headed anyways?" kid asked a bit curious " oh to the library wanna tag along...soul didn't want to " maka said looking down " i suppose i have time to read a book or two " kid said staring at her " okay let's go ! " maka said excited grabbing kids arm and running to the library " so how are you and soul?" kid asked " oh we are good at the moment "maka said replying to kid, kid went over to a shelf pulling out a book " did you find something kid ?" maka asked curiously trying to read the books cover " look how symmetrical this book is " kid said distracted by the books appearance, maka let out a sigh on what kid said she then finally managed to look at kid's book " umm kid...do you know what that book is about? " maka said turning a bit red " huh ? " kid looked confused a bit but saw the books cover "how to make a girl feel pleasured " kid put the book back turning red " umm let's pretend that never happened " kid said " agree " maka said trying to find a book at a different shelf, kid finally found himself a book " hey maka did you find a book yet? " kid said calmly " yes i did it seems interesting " maka said holding her book out to show kid " what book did you get kid?" maka said curiously " i got a book about past meisters...this book has a very beautiful symmetry cover " kid said excited " how does symmetry have beauty ? oh well that's kid for you " maka thought to herself, the two meisters walked out the library silently " so kid how are liz and patty?" maka said trying to start a conversation " well they're good they're at the mansion so i should go and check on them " kid said " oh okay i guess I'll see you tomorrow...that's if we have class " maka said walking away back to her apartment, kid then departs and walks back to his mansion arriving and finding the living room a mess " what !!! liz, patty!!! what have you guys done !" kid said in anger " relax kid we'll clean up later " liz said painting her fingernails " everything is asymmetrical now ! " kid said in anger " relax kid we'll clean up just go back to your girlfriend maka " liz said with a smirk on her face looking at kid " what are you talking about " kid said confused but annoyed " oh stop playing innocent kid i saw you and maka alone at the library " liz said giggling kid remained silent until he finally spoke " maka is not my girlfriend ! and how did you know we were at the library " kid said looking at her suspiciously " oh she's not your girlfriend? Then why was she on top of your earlier " liz said smirking at kid " she accidentally fell on top of me... you still didn't answer my question how did you know we were at the library...but then again how did you know she was on top of me " kid said annoyed liz let out a sigh " well i was going to tell you that i sewed your jacket...but i saw you and maka together and didn't want to ruin the moment " liz said giggling kid let out a sigh " let's clean this mess up now it bothers me that everything is out of place " kid said cleaning up while liz and patty left to their rooms leaving kid alone

A/N:sorry for any errors and please tell me what you think so far

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