Daylights and Shadows

Start from the beginning



Now though when Zayn looked at the boy whose pale face radiated in the sunlight he could only see the smile plastered on his face, his face so much brighter, his eyes now twinkled with a youthful excitement and hunger for life, and it amazed Zayn how far he had come from that first glimpse into those eyes. He strolled down the street to meet the boy and greeted him with a hug and a kiss, letting his lips linger on the supple crimson, and grasping the thin waist possessively. Niall responded by burying his face into the crook of Zayn’s neck and inhaling him, breathing in the musk and the grunge that was Zayn. They stayed like this for a while before Zayn spoke.

“Dear, let’s go Harry and Louis are waiting for us” Zayn said holding onto Niall, the blonde responded with “Few more minutes, I want to hold onto you for a little while longer” Zayn smiled and held him closely enjoying how the small blonde just put his head on his chest and stayed there slowly taking everything in, “Still can’t believe your mine” Niall said from Zayn’s chest his breath tickling Zayn’s skin, the tan boy looked at Niall and replied “You better, believe it, I’m not trading you for anything else” Niall nodded and slowly detached himself from Zayn and interlinked their fingers watching closely as cream and bronzed skin mixed the perfect contrast. They walked silently to the nearby café where Harry and Louis were waiting earnestly for the two boys.

“Took you long enough” Louis said from his seat, Harry’s hand resting on his lap as he moved his fingers carelessly on Harry’s large hands.

Zayn had acquainted himself beautifully with Niall’s small clique of friends, he had become very close with Louis in particular, for the reason that Louis was perfect mixture of maturity and whimsy, Zayn enjoyed the feathered haired boy’s company because he had a knack of creating a bit of wonder in Zayn’s life, he recalls a particular moment when his perception of Louis deepened and rooted their close friendship.


Zayn was waiting for Niall in the park next their school, Niall having doing some extra credit with Harry in the library, knowing his presence would only distract Niall he chose to wait outside by the park. He had a particular spot by a tree in which he spent a lot of his time just looking and observing his surroundings and taking everything in. He liked thinking, thinking about his life, the questions, the doubts, the confusions, because Zayn has always pondered and thought and he enjoyed new ideas and new knowledge, because this was what his mother imparted on him when he was still younger, she would say “A thought is worth acknowledging, a curiosity is worth questioning and an answer is worth debating” and Zayn learned from these words and he would question everything. And in the span of a century Zayn pondered on why his mother died, why it was wrong to be gay, why life was cruel and why he felt perpetually empty inside. These questions would always plague his mind, and he would find time to silence the noise and find the answers within the moments of serenity, mostly sitting idly in his spot. So he found himself once again questioning and thinking and wondering by himself by that tree, and was surprised to hear a soft thud, he peered to the direction to find Louis sitting there giving him a soft smile.

“Waiting for Niall?” he asked, Zayn merely nodded in reply, he went back to looking and thinking when Louis interrupted once again, “What are you thinking about?” he asked curiously, Zayn looked at the boy once again and replied with a mere “stuff” but Louis was persistent “What stuff?” he questioned and Zayn replied with “Just stuff” he snapped a bit at Louis, because he knew wouldn’t understand, he had a mentality to think no one understood, only Niall. “You think I’m stupid don’t you, you think I’m superficial and shallow like other people don’t you, but I’m not Zayn you have to try me” Louis said and Zayn was shocked at what he heard and took into account that maybe there were people like him, people who thought and pondered and questioned. He huffed then looked at the boy finding Louis face waiting, anticipating something so Zayn said “I’m thinking of Niall and what will happen to him with those bastards and why the fuck they did it to him. I’m thinking how I can protect Niall, I’m thinking why people are as they are” Louis looked at him with a pensive gaze then replied “We can’t really blame them if you want to know why they did it, they were raised like that, they were raised by ignorance, by elitism. If you want to blame someone blame their parents, blame society, because we can’t just blame them because someone had dictated in them how to think. Niall is strong, you made him strong and though he may crack at points it’s ok because we’re just human, we live a very hard life, because we’re not just against people we’re against a society that’s been corrupted, I’ve been blessed with parents who taught me what Is truly right and wrong. And Niall is blessed to have you around. So stop worrying and smile, because Niall is happy right now, enjoy this happiness as it comes- don’t ruin it” Zayn looked at Louis and gave him a smile then said “Thanks” and Louis replied “Your welcome, you see Zayn I’m not mentally retarded, you have to smile and stop looking like a bereaved dog. Now smile bigger you don’t want Niall seeing that frown do you” Louis cooed while pointing Zayn’s face with his finger, Zayn gave him a chuckle then said “You’re a piece of work” Louis smirked and said “A piece of work with a very fine ass if you will” and Zayn laughed, a sincere laugh, something he hasn’t done in a long time.

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