Saturday May 9th 2015 (night)

Start from the beginning

How unfair! I'm the one in charge of them, not these strangers ><

Taeyang was not as reckless as his comrades and he stayed next to Daesung, not daring to walk too far from him, especially when they would run into people who stared curiously at him. As for Daesung, he walked at a slow pace, looking around quietly and smiling brightly at all passers-by who responded to him with the same grin, spellbound.

In the end – I have no shame to admit that now – I was so tired of trying to keep an eye on all of them at the same time I screamed at them in English in order to get them all back together in front of me, to which they immediately responded as the rest of the crowd stood away from us. The boys themselves didn't look so proud to be screamed at like this in front of other people, especially people they felt closer to than me. Thank god we were done with shopping so I only had to gather them to go home now.

"I don't get it! You guys can be so good when you want. You used to be so disciplined at the lab! Can't you be like that without being forced to?"

They all looked at me and gave me a sorry look even though I could see in their eyes that they did not understand me at all. I sighed and suddenly noticed something, something very alarming: among the big, colored hats that faced me, I could see the brown bear, my white bareheaded one, the panda, the lion... but there was no wolf.

"Where's Top?" I asked. "Top!"

When they heard his name, the four others all looked at each other then looked in all directions before we all turned around at the alley we were facing. A few stores further, Top was standing, looking at us from afar. When I called him and gestured him to come at us, he slowly took off his animal hat and glasses then turned and ran in the other direction further and further away from us. I watched him go, panicked.

"Get him!" I ordered the other boys.

Yet they had all started chasing him even before I had told them to. I myself took off my heels and ran after him with all our bags of clothes (I'm starting to get tired of always carrying tons of bags around when I'm outside ><).

Top was running faster and faster, pushing people out of the way, looking at something I couldn't see yet because I was too far from him. Ahead of me, Daesung and Seungri ran on each side of him, trying to get him stuck between them as they went closer and closer, yet when Daesung tried to force him to face him, Top suddenly slowed down and turned, as both of his opponents were abruptly stopped when they hit a bench and a couple of garbage cans. Taeyang was luckier as he had been waiting for Top when he turned and caught him, holding him tight and making him struggle in his arms. Yet when Top turned his head and made him look in his eyes, Taeyang suddenly shouted and let him go to cover his eyes with his hands, frightened by something we of course couldn't see. When I eventually reached him, panting, he was curled on the floor, shaking, before he came back to his senses and started running again.

GD was the only one left to be close enough to Top. As the latter kept looking back and forth to catch his friend in his field of vision, G-Dragon kept zigzagging left and right as well, managing to dodge his stare, just like during trainings.

We then arrived at a big open space at a crossroads of multiple alleys. At the center, a big stage was set with a presenter demonstrating something about a product which, in any case, involved a tiny camera filming the said product and multiple large screens. When Top arrived at that stage, he pushed the presenter out of the way and grabbed his camera. There he looked straight at it and his stare was caught on the dozens of screens that faced the audience who, I think, still believed that it was part of the show. Suddenly, when everyone stared at the multiple screens, they all stepped back and yelled, bending forward and holding their head, in pain.

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