Chapter 6: Let's Play

Start from the beginning

'I told you, Pan, I can't control it. If you're so powerful, take it from me and then it can't burden me anymore.' I sulked angrily, staring back at the earth in dismay. There was nothing Pan could do to help me or my magic, I just wanted to be left alone. Magic had betrayed me and much like my husband, I wasn't willing to keep giving it multiple chances. 'It has only caused me pain.'

'But you're making matters worse by disabling your magic, I can see your eyes glaze over and darken whenever your sad or angry or afraid. You have to learn to control it and not let your magic disable itself with your pitiless emotion.' He explained lightly, his eyes becoming rather business-like.

'Disabling my magic? What if I don't want it in any circumstances, Pan?' I sighed and my eyes eventually left the floor to grind into his. He was suddenly before me, kneeling down and inspecting me closely, as if trying to puzzle me out. 'Magic isn't a gift, Pan, it's a curse.'

'Maybe to you,' He snapped angrily.

I swallowed heavily, allowing the conversation to wither to a natural close. Nobody apart from me noticed the leaves of the trees rustle like living things, because I was so angry, ashamed and betrayed by my own magic. It was then I realised Peter Pan was right; I had to learn how to control my power before it learnt to control me.

'You hungry?' Pan asked, dragging me out of my dream, his kindness threatening me. I decided the threatening side of him appealed to me more because honestly I knew him too well to feel like I couldn't trust his kindness.

'Not really.' I replied sorrowfully. I wasn't in the mood for eating anything at that moment.

'C'mon, you can't not eat, you'll be starved tomorrow. The Lost Boys won't save you portions for your sorrow.' He teased, nudging my side.

Peter Pan slinked his muscular arm around my waist so I didn't run and guided me towards the many logs set up for dining. 'C'mon, you must be hungry.' He decided defiantly. 'You'll be so hungry that your stomach might infect your brain and make you walk towards the food and even if you don't, I'll make you go anyway because otherwise-'

'Ok, ok, I'll eat.' I sighed eventually, tiring of his words.

'I do have expert persuading skills, don't I?' Peter teased, nudging me and I groaned once more, rolling my eyes at his arrogance and ignorance. 'Come and eat with everyone else.'

'I just want to be alone.' I whimpered.

Peter Pan grabbed my arm, his fingers so tight they were digging into my skin. I squealed in pain. 'You need to remember the rules pretty quickly, Tiger Lily, I don't like lies and I don't like you disobeying me. I most certainly wouldn't advise it.'

Reluctantly, I slumped down onto one of the logs and poked the food around on my plate. 'Eat.' Peter Pan ordered and my eyes travelled upwards to meet his.

'I'm not hungry.' I objected but he just shook his head and sighed.

'Tiger....' Peter Pan groaned, rolling out the words. 'Are you not famished? You've been refusing food for ages now. Eat, otherwise you'll be weak.'

'No.' I snapped, crossing my arms tighter around my body and glancing nervously at him, but Peter never broke his timeless stare with me.

'Eat, Kitten,' Peter said, pushing the plate of fruit and bread slowly towards me. 'Eat it.' His stern words caused me great discomfort.

I pushed my food around on my plate for a few more moments, but Peter's eyes glared angrily at me until I eventually scooped up a few pieces of fruit. But my mouth refused to open and my body couldn't even begin to cooperate with eating. I didn't want to eat, it was like giving in to him and I refused to do this.

Peter Pan sauntered over and leant in front of me.

'Look, you have to eat, Kitten, have a strawberry.' Peter Pan insisted, passing the plate of fruit towards me. Each strawberry was succulent, juicy and sweet. The deep red contrasted with the pale green leaves and created a colourful swirl on the tray.

'I'm not hungry,' I lied again sourly, I hadn't eaten for ages now and my body and mind demanded to be fuelled.

''Course you are, Kitten.' He smiled, passing me another strawberry. 'Tiger, our time is short and limited. When you see something good and sweet, you have to grab it and never let go.' He popped a strawberry into his mouth, the juicy flares erupting and creating a delicious taste in his mouth I was sure. Smirking slightly, he left me with a flourish, winking before he sat down opposite me, but his eyes never left me as I tried to resist eating.

Peter Pan sat down on the edge of the rock, leaning against the smooth edge and pretending to ignore me, like I was a wild animal that needed taming and didn't like people watching me. His eyes lifted up to the sky, where there were no stars, just a beautiful moon and ribbon of darkened cloud, hanging like a shadow of darkness. The muscles in his arm were relaxed, his hand rested on the back of his head. He looked almost comfortable.

The strawberries still lay on my lap, as tempting as ever. Eventually, realising that Pan wouldn't leave until I ate, I let the succulent juices of the luscious red berry dance in my mouth and send delightful shivers down my spine. I licked my lips to remove any morsels of the delicious juices from my lips and rolled my eyes at a very arrogant, satisfied Peter.

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