Person of the Past

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(Uruha's POV)

Fantastic! The sun is shining and it looks like the perfect time to go out and have fun. To make things even better it's the weekend and Aoi invited me to come over to his house yesterday, I'm utterly thrilled. It'll be the first time I've ever gone to someone's house alone, so I'm completely stuck between scared and excited. I was kinda scared to ask my grandmother if I could go, but she was surprisingly ok with it. She said she's glad that I'm finally socializing and getting out some. For now I won't take that as an insult for not being more like Reita.

I finally got out of bed and went to my closet to find something to wear. It's going to be the first time we've seen each other without a uniform, and I have no clue of what I should wear. After beating myself in the head over it for a while, I finally decided to wear a pair of pre-ripped blue jeans, a plain black V-neck shirt, a white jacket, and black boots. No need to go all out right.

When I walked back into when my room, I saw Reita sprawled out over my bed, playing a random video game. "Dude, don't you have your own room," I yelled a bit irritated at my annoying older brother.

"Yeah, but even I can get lonely. The room has been feeling quite empty since you left," Reita said giving me a sad pout. I ignored his comment and pushed him over some so I could sit. It's not the first time he's come here claiming to be lonely, only to just play his video games while completely ignoring me. I think he just likes to come in my room because it's cleaner.

"So you're going out today. All on your own too." He said finally looking up from his video game.


"Let me guess. It's Aoi right." Reita asked. I replied with a small, timid smile. I'm still a bit sensitive about admitting that I've become so close with someone who's almost a complete stranger. "Bingo! Damn, everyone loves that guy. You can't even enjoy a quiet moment in class for all his freaking fan girls."

"Really." I had no idea he was that popular. He acts like such a dork.

"Yeah. They're always all over him." Reita said throwing his hands in the air exaggerating.

"Mr. Popular sounds jealous."

"As if. They're probably only doing that cause he's the new kid." He said holding his head high with pride. I know he's jealous. Reita's an attention hog who can't get his fix thanks to him. It's amazing that Aoi already has popular enough to steal his spotlight.

"Yeah right. I'm about to leave. Are you staying in here?" I said standing back up, heading towards my door.

"Nah. I'm going over to Ruki's. I'll walk out with you." I nodded in approval and we walked out of my room together. Reita did the honors of yelling to my grandmother that we were leaving, which lead to us receiving a highly irritated goodbye back. As we started our separate paths, Reita gave me a slap on the back and with a sad smile, told me to have fun, making me worry about he and Ruki a bit.

On my way towards Aoi's home I started to really think about what Reita said before. If he's that popular already then surely he probably already has plenty of friends, people to crush on him, and maybe even an intimate partner. Ugh, I haven't even made it to his house yet and I already feel like a third wheel.

After a short journey, I made it to Aoi's house, which honestly looks a lot better since they've moved in. I nervously knocked on the door and rang the doorbell, waiting for anyone to open the door. Within a few seconds a tall, beautiful woman with long raven colored hair, who looked a lot like Aoi, approached and opened the door for me. I shyly introduced myself as Aoi arrived behind her just in time.

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