Chapter 9

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"What do you mean by you cant like me?" My heart felt as if it were going to explode. Sasuke Uchiha just admitted to liking me. Yet he stated that he cant?

"Im afraid." He replied while staring at his toes.

"Your afraid?" My mind was full of confusion. "Why are you afraid to like me?"

"Because, you see I had a girlfriend for three years her name was Ino. Two months ago I found out she was cheating on me the whole time with my friend Sai. So to answer your question, im afraid that if you and I were to date that it would just end up the same way."

My mind was completely blown. Sasuke went through the same thing as I had. Yet I want him. I didn't even think about the possibility of heart break. "Honestly, I understand where your coming from. I to was cheated on about a month ago. I mean that's why I came here. I needed to escape from everyone. Sasuke, I would never hurt like that. I understand why your so cautious but I guess what im saying is, you dont have to be."

I took his hand in mine. He did not reject. "But what happens when you have to leave at the end of the summer?" He asked as he squeezed my hand.

"I guess I forgot about that." It's true I really did. How could I simply forget about something like that.

"Actually, I don't care. All I know is that I want to be with you. I know that we will probably end up breaking up in the end. But like I said I dont care. Im tired of being afraid of heart break." He grabbed my face, bringing me into one unforgettable kiss.

I pondered on the word's that Sasuke had just spoken. He definitely didn't sound like the Sasuke Uchiha I know. But that's okay. The only thing that matters is that we're standing here kissing and confessing our liking for each other. The fact that he doesn't even care about my leaving at the end of the summer. He simply cares about being with me. That right there proves to me that he truly likes me.

Sasuke and I walked back into his house. "I see you two patched things up." Itachi said as he walked away from the window.

"You were spying on us?" Sasuke asked while pointing at the window.

"Maybe." Itachi laughed. And I did as well. "Would you like to stay for lunch Sakura?"

"Sure." I glanced to Sasuke who was smiling at me. I felt odd because I have never seen him smile before all I used to get from him was his smirk.

We sat around the the kitchen table eating sandwiches and cracking random jokes about Naruto.

(A/N- I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. I know it's short. Sorry.)

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