Chapter 6

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"So, what is this place?" I asked.

Sasuke didn't answer. He simply stared at me.

"So pinky, why are you here?" Sasuke asked.

"I already told you.." I started but was cut off.

"No, I mean why are you in konoha?"

"I guess, I just needed to escape from home." I replied.

"Sounds like a good enough reason."

I nodded.

My phone began to ring. And of course it was Garra. I quickly clicked the ignore button and put my phone back in my pocket.

Sasuke gave me a questioning look.

"So are you guys done talking, because im bored." Naruto said from behind me.

"Yeah we're done." Sasuke replied.

"You guys wanna go get something to eat?" Naruto asked pointing to the restaurant up the street.

Sasuke nodded and I did the same.

We started walking towards the restaurant which was not very far from the abandoned shack that we were at.

We arrived at the restaurant and sat down at one of the booths. Naruto sat by me and Sasuke sat across from me

"What can I get you guys to drink?" A waitress asked as she gave us our menus.

"I'll have a pepsi." Naruto replied.

"Water please." I added.

"I'll have water as well." Sasuke said.

The waitress wrote our drink orders on to her note pad and said "Okay I'll be right back with your drinks."

I started looking through the menu.

When I figured out what I wanted I closed my menu and slid it to the middle of the table.

I placed my hand next to my leg on the booth. Suddenly I feel another hand lay on top of mine. I look over to see Naruto staring at me, his face was bright red. I waited for him to take his hand away. But instead he intertwined his fingers with mine.

I started to feel really awkward.

When the waitress came back with our drinks I quickly pulled my hand away. I looked over at Sasuke, he looked kind of mad.

Maybe he's jeleous. The inner me squealed.

The waitress had put our drinks in front of us and asked what we wanted to eat.

Naruto ordered Pork Ramen. I ordered a grilled cheese. And Sasuke ordered the tomato soup.

"Hey Sakura can you move, I gotta pee." Naruto asked.

I got up and let him out.

I sat back down and saw Sasuke staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Naruto seems to really like you." He replied.

I laughed. "I know, but he's definitely not my type."

"Yeah? Then what is your type?" Sasuke asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know." I replied with a smirk.

He rolled his eyes.

Naruto returned to the booth a few minuts later.

I got up to let him in. "Now I have to pee." I said. I started walking to the bathroom.

I returned to the booth and waited for Naruto to move because he was sitting in my spot. Suddenly a waitress accidentally pushed me with her serving cart. I fell over landing right on Sasukes lap.

Naruto started laughing. And I simply cringed with embarrassment.

I got up off of Sasuke and started walking back to Naruto and I's side of the booth. I feel someone grab my hand I look back to see Sasuke. "Maybe you should sit by me." He said as he pulled me back towards him.

As soon as I sat down next to him the food arrived.

We all finished our food. "I'll pay." I stated.

"No I will." Sasuke glared at me. I decided not to argue.

We left the restaurant.

"I'll walk you home." Naruto pointed to me.

"No, I'll walk her, our houses our right next to each other and you live in the opposite direction." Sasuke said.

Naruto nodded and started walking home. He kind of looked disappointed.

Sasuke and I started walking aswell.

We arrived at our block. I wanted desperately for him to grab my hand. But he didn't.

I decided to grab his instead. He didn't reject me. He simply let it happen.

Yes!! Inner me screamed.

We arrived in front of my aunts house.

He quickly let go of my hand and walked to his house. I stood there still amazed that he actually let me hold his hand.

Summer of us |-Sasusaku Fan fiction-|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu