Chapter 3

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I got off of the probably dirty floor and looked at the raven haired boy.

"You should really watch where your going." I said as I bent down to pick up the carrots and lettuce that were once in my arms.

"I guess I wasn't paying attention." He replied.

I look back at him as I start to walk away. And notice that he's looking at me as well.

God, he's hot. My inner thoughts screeched through my brain.

I quickly shook the thought away and went back to shopping.

As I walked back to my aunts house I noticed the raven haired boy was walking behind me. I felt as if I was being stalked until I remembered he was my aunts neighbor.

Suddenly I see a flash of blonde in my face.

"Hi, im Naruto whats your name?"

I step back because the blonde boy was right in my face, so close that I could smell his breath. Which smelled like ramen and tomatos. Gross.

"Im Sakura." I replied because although the boy was strange he seemed harmless.

"Naruto, leave the girl alone." I hear a familiar deep voice come from behind me.

"Im not bothering you, am I?" Naruto asked with puppy dog eyes.

I shook my head "Not really." I replied. Even though I just wanted to go home.

"See, Sasuke im not bothering her."

Sasuke. The name fled through my head. I know him. I met him the last time I visited Elaine when I was 6.

Sasuke walked past me with his hands in his pockets, "Come on Dobe im sure she has somewhere to be." He pointed to the sack of groceries I held in my arms.

"I'll see you later." Naruto said with a wink.

I started walking again. When I reaced my aunts house I put the groceries on the kitchen counter.

"Hey Elaine." I yelled.

She came through the kitchen door and asked "Whats up?"

"I just ran into Sasuke. The neighbor boy. I cant believe he still lives here." I stated.

"Yeah, he does. But he's been different ever sice his parents died a few years back" She replied.

"Thats terrible."

My aunt use to babysit him when he was younger. Thats how I know him.

"So, who does he live with?" I asked.

"I think, his brother." She replied.

(A/N- I hope you guys liked this chapter, it's kind of boring. I promise chapter 4 will be better Vote/ Comment :)

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