Chapter Sixteen - The Cage

Start from the beginning

He wouldn't do that though, right? But of course he would, he's a demon and is literally put on earth to make peoples lives a living hell!

"Who are you?" The meter of the girl asked abruptly and dean raised an eyebrow, letting out a tiny smirk.

"I'm the man they are both talking about." He replies casually. Oh no.


"The one and only. Well, I don't know if I've been the only one to fuck your daughter but the one and only in this current situation, yes." Gasps went around the crowd at his language and I internally groaned.

"Well, maybe you can settle this then!" A man called. "Is the priest a homo or not?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the question, it was so blunt. Dean took a glance at me and instantly my face fell and I went back to worrying.

"He's not homosexual." Dean replied and my heart grew in relief. Murmurs once again went around.

"Although-" dean called and the crowd once again went quiet. I give him an irritated look, why must he always stir shit?! "That doesn't mean we haven't slept together."

My head burst at his comment and I cry indignantly, stepping away and giving him with biggest evils I could muster as a cry of outrage came from the crowd. Dean only looked like he was enjoying this far to much.

"N-no!" I cry and turn back to the crowd who were once again turning on me. They were always going to be angrier at a homosexual then a slut who slept around I suppose.

"Y-yes." Dean mimicked and looked at me. I grit my teeth and ball my hands up into fists.

"But you just said he's not a homo." Someone shouted, I took it as if they were sticking up for me but I secretly knew they weren't.

"I did. And he's not."

"But you said-"

"Someone sleeps with one man and suddenly you all assume he's gay? There are other sexualities you know. Poly, Demi, pan, bi, ace, although I don't think ace fits in here, unless he's aromantic but not asexual and-"

"Shut up." I snap and dean shuts his mouth and smirks at me. "You've caused enough trouble."

Tears prickled my eyes and I suddenly didn't want to deal with this right now. Nothing could have mentally prepared me for this. I walked towards the church and began pushing people out of my way. They were reluctant to move, obviously not wanted to let someone like me in their place of worship but they still couldn't deny it was still my church, for now.


It seemed about half an house before dean suddenly appeared in front of my. I was sat down on one of the pews, elbows on knees and head in hands when I felt his shadow loom over me.

"You've ruined my life." I croak out after a few minutes of silence, looking up at him. "How could you do this?"

"I dunno." Dean shrugged, not looking the lest bit ashamed of himself. Tears fell from my eyes and I sigh, leaning back against the bench.

"My life is over. They will fire me from the church board, they will take away my church, I won't ever get a job in this town again because everyone knows what I am now." I mutter, shaking my head.

"At least you're not dead." Dean replied as if I was talking to him.

"I may as well be."

"Trust me, you don't want that. I know what it's like to e dead an it sucks royal dick if you ask me."

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned || Destiel - Demon!Dean & Priest!CastielWhere stories live. Discover now