Chapter One

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Delirious's POV (Right after everyone enters the apartment)

We enter our home, to find Tyler on top of Marcie on the couch, tickling her. She's laughing uncontrollably.

"HELP!!!" She manages to scream. Instead of going over and getting Tyler off of her, we stand in front of the door, laughing our asses off at the cute couple. After about a few minutes, Tyler stops and Marcie catches her breath, but he keeps her pinned down.

"So, you guys get food?" Tyler asks.

Before any one of us is able to speak, Nogla blurts out, "Yeah we did, but you'll never guess what happened!"

I go up to him, and cover his mouth with my hand. He tries to talk, but is muffled by my hand. I feel something gross and slimy go across my palm. I remove my hand, and wipe it on his shirt.

"EW! You sick bastard!" I say to him.

He continues. "Delirious met a girl at the grocery mart!"

Tyler and Marcie both jump up, mouths gaping. I face palm with my other hand. Nogla begins to explain, but he does terribly, so I'm gonna go into a flashback of what happened.


We walk into the grocery store, following the list of things we need. We start at the back of the store, and work our way up to the cash registers.

We get to the aisle where the cereal is located, and there is this gorgeous girl. She looks at us as we enter the aisle. Her long, blonde hair, and her perfect blue eyes are enchanting. She smiles at us. Her smile is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Her bright clothes make her tan skin look darker than it already is. She's wearing a fluorescent pink sleeveless crop top, showing her dark, flat stomach, and bright turquoise short shorts. She is just so... Perfect.

I must've been staring for too long, because Lomasi and Lui come up to me. "Go talk to her." Lomasi says.

I see that the mystery girl is blushing and trying to hide herself, but no one can hide such beauty. She turns, and leaves the aisle.

"Go dude, she's leaving!" Lui says. I turn to everyone else, and they all nod, indicating for me to go.

I rush out of the aisle, and find her in the next one. I come up from behind her, and tap her shoulder. "Excuse me, miss? I don't believe we have met. My name is..." I think. I'm wearing my mask, so I have no other choice. "Delirious."

She giggles, and turns around. "Hello, Jonathan. My name is Stacey. Stacey Letterman."

I'm taken aback. How does she know my real name? "How do you know my real name?"

"I know a lot more than you think. I know that you're apart of the Vanoss Crew, the most feared gang in all of Los Santos. I know all your names." At this point, she starts to whisper. "I know that Vanoss is Evan and is dating MacKenzie, Wildcat is Tyler and is dating Marcie, the newest member of the group. Lui and Lomasi are together, and Moo is Brock. Trinity and Nogla, A.K.A. David, are dating. Basically is Marcel, Mini is Craig, and you are Jonathan."

"How the hell do you know all this?" I ask her.

"I'm apart of your rivals, the Catalysia. Have been for as long as I can remember. They saved me from... My past." I can see she starts to tear up.

"I'm sorry about your past, whatever the story may be, but I can't talk to you.. Not since you're basically my biggest rival.." I say, getting upset.

"I know what you're thinking, but I'm not like them.." I look up at her, obviously confused, and she continues. "Lately I've been having second thoughts. I don't really want to talk about it in public. How about.. We meet tomorrow night, eight o'clock, at the windmill farms. Come alone." She starts to walk off.

How can I know that this random girl that just so happens to be apart of our biggest enemy won't come with maybe twenty or thirty people ready to ambush me when I go there all alone. Or won't just ditch the entire idea and leave me there all alone, or not come, and send the twenty or thirty people I mentioned earlier.. "Wait." I stop her, and she turns. "How can I trust you?"

She just smiles. "Why do you think my leader only calls you all by your code names?" She then turns, and simply walks off.

I think about that for a minute while I go back to everyone else in the other aisle. They ask how it went, and I told them our conversation. They weren't too excited that she was apart of Catalysia, or that she knew our real names, but the fact that she hasn't told anyone in her gang our real names, and that she's not the biggest fan of them either, for whatever reason or reasons, evens it out. I think..


Tyler and Marcie just stare at me in awe.

"What? Why do you guys keep staring at me?"

"Because this could be big Delirious! You having a girlfriend! It would be amazing!" Marcie points out.

I shrug. "I guess so.."

Tyler walks up to me, and puts a hand on my shoulder. "Delirious, it doesn't really matter what group she's associated with. It sounds like she isn't very happy with where she's at. It honestly sounds like she likes our gang more than her own, considering she hasn't told anyone our names, or the fact that she basically said she's not too happy being with them."

I shrug again. "I know.. But she could be one of those people that lie a lot and stab people in the back.."

Vanoss walks up from behind me. "I guess you'll know tomorrow night.."

I nod. "Yeah.. I guess.."


Hey guys! This is the first chapter of the, hopefully, best book in the Rescuers series! This is the third book, and I've tried and tried to make this first chapter publishable. Sorry I published it not as early as I expected it, but I wanted to wait a little bit after my New Country, New Life book was published and finished.. I hope you don't mind. I also waited because I was never really happy with this first chapter.. Yeah.. I know.. What a great start to "the best book in the series." I really hope you enjoy this book nonetheless..

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading, and I will see you... In the next chapter.. BYYEE!!!!!

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