Chapter 2

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Yesterday when Ben picked on me again about the "paranoided superstition" of mine, It made me feel really upset. Everyone thinks I'm paranoid. After class, I bumped into the meanest girls in class Janna, Melissa, And of course, The most popular, Victoria. She smirked at me in digust.

"Ugh, It's her again, Don't you get tired of your 'paranoid obsession'" Melissa says with her hands on her hips.

"What do you want??" I asked firmly.

"Oh, Don't say anything, She might get tense!!" Janna said laughing.

I was feeling hotheaded. I wanted to scream 'shut up you ass' but then, I would be in trouble I don't want to get trouble. I calmed down and took a deep breath before another word.

"Anything else to say bitch??" Victoria goes on.

"When will you pick on someone else??" I asked angrily.

"Oh, dare to harrass me, Dare you'll get." Victoria says.

"It's simple, You sneak into the Abandoned Power Plant tonight and take a picture of Amatsuki then you'll never hear us annoying you ever again."

"How can I possibly survive that!?! Amatsuki will kill me!!!" I screamed at Victoria. I accidentally kicked Janna and she fell to the ground with a bloody nose. Her lip curved into a smirked smile.Victoria came closer to me and whispered "Good luck getting killed". She then saw our English Teacher, Ms Shelby.

"Ms. Shelby! Valerie kicked Janna and now she has a bloody nose" Victoria said.

"Valarie Hoffins, Quite surprised to hear your unusual violence, You get one hour detention" Ms. Shelby said with angered sarcasm.

"Ms. Shelby Lillian!!! Please, No, I can explain!!" I begged. Sadly, she made me got to detention for an hour.

The first faces I saw when I came home were my parents' 'We will ground you' faces.

"We recieved a call from Ms, Shelby Lillian." My mom started off.

"She was saying she was quite astonished that your straight forward daughter got involved with violence. She gave a student a bloody nose."

Ugh, Victoria can't keep her annoying lies to herself. I hate her. Now, My parents think Im actually becoming a horrible person.

"Mom, Victoria was lying!!" I said as my self defense. But then, I got the look that said 'You are in trouble missy'.

"Go up to your room, You are grounded for the night!!" My dad said as he banged the table. My brother Kenneth gave me a plastic container with six meat Sandwiches since I haven't eaten dinner.

"It's simple, You sneak into the Abandoned Power Plant tonight and take a picture of Amatsuki then you'll never hear from us ever again"

I had to take a picture of her.

I packed a bottle of water, a flashlight, an extra packet of batteries and the five meat sandwiches. I ate one out of hunger but I decided saving the food would be better. I had to wait up for the right time. Twelve midnight.

I heard footsteps and knew it was my dad, I hid under my covers fake sleeping until I heard the door close.

My stomach was rumbling for more dinner but I told myself to save the other sandwiches for later. I anxiously waited for twelve midnight. In all of a sudden, It began to rain. The moment I checked my watch and it said 12 midnight, I stuffed pillows under my blankets and grabbed my backpack and jacket. It was a thunderstorm out there.

Am I ready for this?? I thought to myself.

You can't live a life without risks.

Game Over: The Power Plantजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें