"I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to go that way," he said contritely.

I pulled my head a bit back, to look into his grey eyes. "But it's over now. I'm not going back."

He didn't say anything.

I turned my head away. "And if you still want to leave, I'm still not going back. I'm sure I'll find a place to stay." I tried not to sound too sad.

Adam softly put his hands around my waist, pulling me closer. "I don't want to leave you," he whispered.

I felt so good and safe in his arms. At this moment, all the troubles were gone. Anything, that stayed behind those four walls, didn't matter to me anymore.

He turned his head and looked into my eyes again, and smiled. Then he kissed me softly. I closed my eyes, and lost the track of time. I felt happier than ever before. Now I didn't even remember those walls, there just me and him, nothing else.

After that we just sat in silence, he holding me in his arms. But the silence was disturbed by my sudden stomach-rumbling. Adam smiled. "Now I keep you starved." Then he let go of me.

I pushed myself more tightly against him. "It can wait." But my stomach growled again.

Adam laughed. "Up and into kitchen."

I didn't move.

"I'll come with you," he said then. But before I could answer, he stood up, carrying me on his arms. At the kitchen he put me down.

"Look in the fridge or in the drawers. You can have whatever you want," Adam told me.

I looked around. Fridge really was full. I didn't even know what all those things were, so I decided for some fried eggs. Adam stood close to me, watching me cooking.

"I wouldn't have been surprised to get breakfast in bed from you," I mentioned and smiled at him, while breaking the eggs.

He smirked."I actually can't remember cooking anymore."

"So you don't eat?"

"Nope. I can drink, but it doesn't give me anything."

It seemed a bit weird for me, I just hadn't thought about it before. But he did live on energy, so why should he eat?

After having my breakfast, I happened to look outside the window. We were in some town, but I didn't recognize it. And I didn't also understand the signs and advertisements.

"Um... where are we?" I asked then.

"In Riga."

"Riga? But... we don't stay here?"

"We're in a hotel." He thought for a moment. "I'm not yet sure where we'll go next, but yes, we won't stay here."

I haven't travelled much, and I hadn't been in Latvia yet either. Though, it wasn't very far from home, it was still interesting for me.

I heard my cellphone ringing at the bedroom. I hadn't seen my cellphone since I was taken away from home, but there it was, on a small cupboard.

"Lucy brought it," Adam explained.

I looked at the name. It was granny. Should I answer? I looked at Adam.

Then Lucy appeared into room and checked the name. "You can answer," she said.

I didn't start to ask her anything else, just answered the call.

"Ketlin?" granny's voice asked.

"Yes, It's me."

"Oh, I'm not going to ask where you are. I wanted to make sure if anything is alright. Did you find Lucy?"

I was now confused. "I'm fine. But how did you know about Lucy?"

I heard her sigh in relief. "She can explain you later. I'm just glad your happy. I couldn't stand it anymore, what they did to you. I needed to get you out."

"Thanks," I said. "For freeing me."

"But now... I don't know what are your plans, but I hope we'll meet again one day." She said it like she wasn't giving it much hope.

I didn't know what to answer. So she went on.

"I wish you best luck. Now I'll give it to your mum, she wants to talk to you."

"Hey, Ketlin," I heard my mum say. It sounded like she was crying.

"Hey mum. Are you fine?"

"Yes, yes. I'm thankful that you're okay." Now I heard her laugh quietly.

I talked to her for pretty long. She also seemed to understand that we might not see each other soon, or maybe not at all anymore. But I think she had accepted it. I felt slightly homesick, but when I    thought of everything that had happened, I understood I can handle it.

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