Chapter Six

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Hey guys! I'm sorry my last chapter was so short... it was kind of a filler... I promise that this one will be a lot longer!! Hope you like it!



After I took Courtney home, drove back to my house, and got ready, it was already 11:30. I had made plans to meet her at the annual April fair at 12:30 by the Ferris wheel. I had no idea what to do until then. Get ready I guess... I was already in a plain white t-shirt with my favourite blue jeans. I walked into my bathroom and checked my hair. Yep, curly as ever. One of the many things most girls would die for if we were talking about my identical twin brother. I kind of wondered how the media hadn't found me here... Or known that the "world famous Harry Styles" has a twin that looks just like him. I'm not really jealous, but I wonder what it'd be like in a day as my brother. Speaking of, I should start planning my trip to see him. If I texted him it might seem suspicious, so I'll text one of his best friends instead.


To: Lou

Hey, do you know when Harry's going to be off for a while? Like, maybe a week or so?

I waited for about twenty minutes before Louis' reply that didn't quite satisfy my needs of knowing Harry's schedule.


From: Lou


I sighed as my phone beeped again.


From: Lou

Just kidding!!! I don't like to... but I'll share :( He's free from May 15-23! :D


To: Lou



To: Lou

Whoops! Thank you so much! <3


From: Lou

XD you are muchly welcome <3 good luck with the girl ;) ;)


The screams got louder as we sang the last few lines. The concert was finally over. I smiled and spoke into the microphone. Out of breath after singing for the past hour and a while.

"Good night everyone! We love you and thank you for having us!"

Again the deafening screams got louder as the girls (and a few boys) cheered and screamed louder than before (if that was possible). The rest of the boys and I headed off stage and to our dressing rooms to change and go back to our hotel. For some reason I started thinking about Bailey. I really missed him. It'd been over a year since I last visited him and my family. We'd skyped and texted and all that but it just wasn't the same. I needed to see him. Then it came to me. May 15-23 I was on break... I could go see my brother! I wouldn't tell anyone though, didn't want to risk the paparazzi finding him. It really shocked me that the world knew almost everything about me but hadn't found out about my identical twin brother! Another thing that shocked me was that his best friend Courtney (who he talked about ALL the time) hadn't found out about me or One Direction. We've been called the 'number one boy band in the world' and so her being totally oblivious kind of surprises me. Well, along with the fact that he hasn't told her yet. I mean, we were born on the same day, same hospital, almost damn near the same time! Our mums are best friends!! Wow. Well, I just couldn't wait to see him and meet this "Courtney" in less than a month.

The Other Stylesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن