Chapter 11

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Draco and I hadn't really gotten the chance to talk properly since our little confession, with piles and piles of homework and Quidditch matches.

But now, he was staring at me from across the common room, him sat in his typical seat and I had my legs splayed out across one of the sofas.

"I've missed you..." He whispered, barely audible.

I smiled across from him and returned the statement. I didn't know what else to say, really.

"Evelyn, I-"

Out of nowhere, Blaise stormed down the stairs and took Draco by the tie, pulling him out of his seat to his eye level.

"Listen," he snapped, "Why are you trying to hurt her?"

Oh, dear. I forgot I hadn't explained to Blaise.

"Blaise, I spoke-"

"No, Evelyn," he said.

"Yes, Blaise!" I shouted back, "I'm entitled to do what I want and I don't care if Draco will hurt me, okay!"

Blaise's eyes met mine with a look of pure dust gust and hurt. I mirrored it.

"You're hurting me more by doing this, Blaise," I said, slowly, "There's no point in blaming Draco for it. You'll just make yourself look like a hypocrite."

Blaise just turned around and walked away, looking soulless.

I took one last look at Blaise's back, and that's when I knew that he'd never be a friend to me again.

Draco was gasping for air still, Blaise's grip on him had been tight, forcing his shirt collar to constrict his neck. I sighed, walking over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. I rested my hand on his chest.

"We'll get through this," I said, "Together or not."

"Are we tog-"

Draco stopped himself as his eyes landed on the clock.

"It's past curfew - we'll talk tomorrow. As a new prefect, I can't afford to lose my place," he chuckled, grabbing my hand to squeeze it before heading off to the boy's dormitories.

I groaned and walked into my own dorm. Well, that was an eventful night.

The Next Morning

A bright yet dull, Wednesday morning invited my eyes to open and say hello to the world.

I rose with sleep still on my mind and stumbled across the room to the toilet. When I arrived, I did my daily morning routine and then got dressed.

"Mornin'," Daphne said, sounding tired.

I smiled. The day went quicker than I expected and I was already sat in Potions third period, next to Draco. We were making some love potion.

We were following the instructions. Draco did most of the work because he insisted he didn't want me to get hurt. Ha, as if!

It was about the only class I could partake in as it often didn't include magic.

Draco finished the quickest, he was alright at Potions. I heard Harry Potter curse under his breath at this - he always hated Draco.

I pecked Draco's cheek and told him for about the fiftieth time, "I would have been fine."

"I know, but I can't risk it," he said, throwing an arm around my waist and swaying me along with him, "I've only just got you. I can't afford to lose you again."

"I still don't think you should've spread that rumour," I replied, giving him a look of disapproval.

"How many times must I say I'm sorry?" He sighed, "I'm so sorry. You mean so much to me, Eve - I can't believe I even thought of doing something like that to you. The guilt is eating at my insides, truly."

I murmured a quiet "I know" and told him it was alright. After all, rumours had died down and I was no longer being talked about.

I thought back to my first kiss. I was still curious as to who it was that'd kissed me, although I wouldn't take the investigation any further. I had a feeling it was definitely a Gryffindor, but who?

I guess there's just some things we'll never know.

Malevolent: Book One (Draco Malfoy)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя