Will you?

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---------- 1 and a half months later ----------

I was at home with Kaiden and Skai was there with me. Her belly has been getting bigger each week. She's around three months pregnant now. Isaiah was at work. "So how you been?" She asked me, holding Kaiden, who was sleeping. "Oh, I've been ok. Just one very tired mama." I said leaning back on the couch closing my eyes.

"Are you sure that's all? I mean you haven't been yourself lately. I'm conserned, is everything really ok?" She asked me. I could tell that she was really conserned.

"Well, do you really want the truth?" I said sitting up. She nodded. "Well, I honestly don't know why. But I don't feel like myself. I don't know who I am anymore." She rubbed my arm.

"What would you think if I said that I wanted to change? You know, a chance to start over." I asked her. She smiled, "I'd say go for it. I mean if I were you I would." She said and I smiled happy to know that she was behind me.

"Really?" I said. "Yeah. I totally support your decision. I really think you should do it... Wait. What do you want to do?" She said and then we giggled.

"Well, I want to, like, totally redo my future. What I mean is, I know that I can't undo my past, I know that. But I want to create a brighter future, not just for me, but for Kaiden. You know that almost everyone in my life has told me that I would never be anything in life. That I would never accomplish anything." I told her, starting to cry.

She nodded, "Yeah, and you want to prove them wrong. To show them that you can. That you won't let what you've been through define who you are." She said.

I nodded, "Exactly. And I feel like if I can get some clarity about who I am, then maybe I can get back into the swing of things. I can get back to who I really am. Like I always say, its just a minor setback for a major comeback." I said.

Then I got up to get me some lemonade. "You want anything?" I asked her from the kitchen. "Can you get me some grapes?.. And a diaper, I think Kaiden just did a number on me." She said giggling.

"Eww." I said grabbing the grapes. I gave them to Skai and grabbed Kaiden. He's such a good baby. He doesn't cry unless he's sleepy, Sven though he tries to fight his sleep.

After I changed his diaper, I grabbed his pacifier and went back into the living room. I turned on the TV to Real Husbands of Holly wood. Me and Skai were getting weak a Kevin Hart when Isaiah called.

Skai grabbed Kaiden and I walked in our room. "Hello." I said answering my phone.

Isaiah: hey Bri. I'm about to get off from work. I wanna treat you. Be ready and uh.. Wear something nice.
Me: ok babe. I love you.
Isaiah: Love you too.

I went back into the living room, "what was that about?" Skai asked when I got back. "Oh, um he wants to take me out tonight. Um, you don't mind watching the baby tonight would you?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "No I love this little boy." She said cooing over him. "Thank you." I said. "Mommy and daddy are gonna have a night out tonight." I heard her say while I was walking away.

I went to my closet to pick out something nice to wear. I looked around, at first, I had a black skin tight dress, with slits on the side, and i deep v cut, so I thought that would be a little too much. Then I picked out my ruffled flounce strapless dress. The top half was a navy blue and the bottom half was black.

I layed it on the bed and got in the shower. I moisturized my body with body butter. I got dressed and put my makeup on. Then I brushed my hair up into a neat bun, and put my jewelry on. I put on my navy blue heels.

I walked into the living room and Isaiah texted me.
Him: I'm pulling up now.
Me: I'll be right out.

I grabbed my clutch purse and went in the living room. "Awe. Gone head lil mama." Skai said making me blush. "Yeah. Thank you again." I told her.

She shook her head meaning no problem. "Ok, so. He should be getting sleepy soon. So just give him a bath and a bottle and he should be out. If he wakes up just give him his pacifier and hell go right back to sleep." I told her.

She nodded, and I took him from her. "I love you my little Kbug. Mommy will see you later. My tanka butt." I said lifting Kaiden up. Then I smothered him in kisses, smudging my lipstick. I gave Kaiden back to Skai and fixed my lipstick."Ok, bye." I said giving Skai a hug.

I walked out and Isaiah was out there waiting on me. He looked nice wearing a suit. "Hey baby." I said getting in. "Hey sexy." He said giving me a kiss. Then he started to lick his lips. I laugh, "Will you stop it. Drive." I said blushing. "Where are we going anyway?" I asked him as he backed up.

He just smirked, "Its a surprise." He said trying to be funny. Then we intertwined our hands and he started driving. We drove for about fifteen minutes before we got to the restaurant.

We drove up and Isaiah opened the door for me. Then he gave the keys to the valet man. He led me inside. "What's this place called?" I asked looking around.

"The Marriott. Follow me." He said grabbing my waist. Then he took me into the elevator. The floor that we went up to spined around all the way. It went slow so that way people could walk on it.

A waitresses walked up to us. "Hello, and welcome to the Marriott. Table for two?" She said smiling and holding up menus. Isaiah nodded and we followed her to a table and we sat down.

"Here are your menus." She said placing them in front of us. "Your waiter will be out to service you. Enjoy the rest of your evening." She said and then she walked away.

I picked up the menu and started looking over it. Isaiah started to rub my leg under the table, making me blush. "So. How come you brought me here? Isn't it really expensive?" I asked him.

He just smirked at me. Then our waiter came. "Good evening. My name is Drew, and I will be your waiter today. Can I start you off with a drink?" He said looking at us with a smile.

"I'll have, Umm.. I'll have red wine." Isaiah said to him. "I'll have the same please." I told him picking up my menu. Drew wrote on his pad, "Are you ready to order or do you need more time?" He asked after he finished writing.

"Can you give us a minute please?" Isaiah told him. Drew nodded and walked away. "You never did answer my question." I told him. He made a face like he didn't know what I was talking about. "Man come on, stop playing dumb. You know what talking about. What's the special occasion?" I asked him getting a little irritated.

"Ok, ok, ok. I brought you here because I wanted to do this right." He told me grabbing my hand."Brianna, you are my best friend. The mother of my child, and future children. You love me at my best and worst. We've been through a lot together, and there is nobody else that I would want to go through with." He got up and got on one knee. I started to cry.

"Brianna I love you and I want to spend as long as I can with you. Brianna Elizabeth Rosemary, will you marry me?" He opened the box to a beautiful 4 carat diamond ring. I started to cry and I nodded. "Yes. I will love to marry you." I said. We stood up and hugged. Then we kissed and everyone around us started to clap.

We finished out the rest of our dinner. Then we walked the street. Dancing to jazz players. Then we drove home. I layed down with Isaiah and we cuddled together watching Netflix the whole night.

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