Where do yuh work

Start from the beginning

"Hey Skylar are yuh ere wit Yani" she looked at my and smiled a toothy grin. But she shook her head and frowned

"I here wit Ms.... Ms... I not kno her name b-but momma s-say dats grandma dwghter" she says wit a slight lisp and stutter. Then I dark skinned girl came out the changing room she was in front of.

"Who is this Skylar" she said all ghetto like smh. Skylar rolled her eyes she sassy for a 3 year old.

"Dis my momma Fwien" she said aid holding my hand.

"Hi im Monroe" I say getting up I smiled at her she juhh looked at me.

"Ok.. I'll see yuh later Skylar ok" she nodded her head and hugged my leg and walked off waving. The lady juhh smug looked me and rolled her eyes. I really didn't care

I bought a white crop top that said BOSS and a leather high waisted skirt. It had a leather jacket to it and some black sandals.

After buying all of this stuff my arms was tired I looked at the time it was 4:00. I was hungry so I called Jude coz I haven talked to her in a while.

*phone convo"


M:hey bitch yuh live under a rock nii

J:oh hey boo nahh my phone been off I wouldn't let Junior pay the bill and he took my money and locked it In the safe so I couldn't pay it but yuh know he sneaky

M:that's my brother for yuh but wat yuh doing right nii

j: nun finna go out to eat wit Yani wanna come we juhh thought yuh was wit Kajai

M: nahh his ass blew me off to go to his job that he won't tell me bout

J: oh but where yuh at nii

M:leaving the mall and hungry can I come wit yall out to eat

J:yea boo come on we'll wait for yuh outside we at Ruby Tuesdays

M:that's right near the mall I'm own my way


*end of phone call*

I pulled up at Ruby Tuesdays and they were standing outside. I got out and hugged them

"Table for 3" Jude said to the Waiter he was cute he kept looking at Jude boots though. I moved my hands in front of his face

"Hey big boy her eyes not down there" Yani laughed at me and he got us our table.

"Yall so Tywan let that bitch take Skylar for a day after she ain been in her life for 3 years his ugly ass"

"Yea I saw them at the mall Skylar was sitting in front of the mirror at body central she ain had nun"

"OMG yall see he get one my nerve"

*after the food came*

"Oh yall junior got me this Necklace it's blue he don't kno I kno he got it for me thou" Jude said putting her finger to her lips

"Ooh Jude yuh gon get in trouble" yani said shaking her head we laughed and joked around some more til it was time to go.

It was dark out by that time we said our goodbyes. I turned my phone back on and I had a but load of missed calls and text from Kajai. I didn't even feel like calling him back.

When I pulled up at the house all the lights was off. His car was in his driveway I parked the car and grabbed all the bags which I forgot was heavy asf.

I opened the door which was very hard I might say trying to be quiet asf. I step in the door and the lights came on. Sitting at the table was a very angry Kajai.

"Hey baby how was work" I said trynna sound innocent. He juhh looked at me then looked at my phone that decided that it wanted to ring. I juhh let it ring he looked even more mad.

"Um I'm juhh going to go take a shower nd go to bed ok" I went over and tried to kiss him but he moved.

I huffed and walked upstairs I dropped the bags and went into the bathroom. I took a 30min shower and washed my hair.

I washed my face and took off my jewelry I putt my hair in a high pony tail. I wrapped the Towle around me and walked out the bathroom. I went and got my matching undies out my drawer I turned around and jumped a little seeing Kajai on the bed wit all the clothes I bought today and shoes plus my phone that he was looking through.

"OMG bae don't scare me like that" he looked at me with and intense gaze. I pulled my undies with the Towle still on me. I grabbed one of his shirts out of his dawes and pulled it on.

I grabbed my watermelon lotion he liked and lotion ed my body. He never took his eyes off of me I got up and walked over to the bed. I grabbed the first shirt but he grabbed my arm

" so I called yuh 26 times sent yuh 29 texts and yuh didn't answer to any of them yet yuh can go to the mall and out to eat wit Yani and Jude but can't answer yo niggas calls wen he trynna check up on yuh I get home yuh not even here... so I juhh wanna kno one thing WHY YUH DIDN'T ANSWER YO DAMN PHONE" he was calm at first then got angry I Flinched a little at his tone of voice.

"My phone was off Kajai so I didn't get yo calls" I said starting to put the clothes in the closet along with the shoes.

"But yuh can call Jude right at 4 something so yur phone was off" he threw my phone against the wall. Ooohhh I hope that case saved it's life Coz Ima pissed off nii.


"Ok...ok... I see wats wrong here yuh mad coz I didn't think I could tell yuh bout My job is that it" He said stepping closer to me.

"Yuh right I am mad at yuh for not telling me bout yo job but I'm being real my phone was off I promise to yuh if I knew yuh called I would have answered the first time" I said grabbing his neck making him look in my eyes. He searched for any kind for dishonesty but found nun.

"Yuh used my card right"

"No I used my money Kajai"


"Coz Kajai I didn't wanna used yo money like that" I said kissing his cheek.

"But that's why I put money on the card so yuh can use my money bae" I said kissing on my neck I giggled

"Promise yuh'll use my card next time Roe"

"W.e floats yur boat and suits yur canoe Kajai" he looked at Me funny I juhh got in the bed. He got in and pulled me close I laid my head on his chest tracing his tattoos. While I listened to his heart beat and he was rubbing my booty. Wen I tell yall it felt good. But anyways I fell asleep to a booty rub and a heart beat.


Well I hope yall like this chapter coz I started losing feeling in my pinky so yea thanks for reading please vote &comment thank yuh

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