At the cover of night

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Alex snuck out of her house when night finally covered everything in a dark flood. The only lights you could see were the dim street lights that casted a circular prison around itself. Alex didnt see anyone out this late but then again she wasnt planning on meeting anyone. She was on a mission. This wasnt a game to her this was war. No one picked on Crystal and got away with it at least not when she was around and tonight she was going to prove it. It wasnt Dominicks actions that made Alex mad but how Crystal let it happen. That wasnt the girl she remembered. The girl she remembered would have knocked his ass out. She had the tattoo on her wrist to prove it. Alex sighed and continued walking knowing she was almost there. Alex stared at the mansion like house and pulled on her gloves these babies were her protectors. Alex ran her hand along the garage doors knowing Dominicks baby was inside and thats how she was going to get back at him. Alex picked the lock and slipped inside letting the outside world fade away as she picked up her paint and got to work. Alex worked for hours on Dominicks motorcycle. She painted the bike dark purple, with elaborate pink and white flowers on it.
Then she added little fairies dancing around it covered in glitter. Alex smiled to herself and walked out. No one saw her that night, she walked home slipped into bed and never gave it another thought. Alex woke up the next morning bright and early she was use to not getting any sleep and today was no different. She had to be especially since the rest of them had died. Crystals mom and dad, the boys, her friends, her dad, and Crystal barely making it out alive yea she had to be ready she was next on this guys list and if she wasnt carefull she'd be dead like the rest if them. She just hoped she hadnt led this guy straight to Crystal.

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