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Hi guys as you see this is the last chapter. And I'm NOT joking ok?

Why me?

Lucy's POV

So Lissanna is back an I'm sooooooo happy to meet her and be her best friend!


" Yesh! Luishi! Your so loud!"

My eyes twitch


"Lucy" a soft and angel like voice called me. (SEE WHAT I DID THERE 'SWEET AND ANGELIC!!)

I turned around and saw Lissanna standing there with a smile in her face.
If you look at here closely you will see an evil smirk forming, which I barely notice. "Let's go to the park Lucy-chan!" She said "Sure!"


When we arrive at the park we sat near the big tree. Lissanna started the conversation.

"Soooo do you like someone Lucy?" She asked.

I can feel my blood raising up my cheek . I turn my head at the Side a bit to hide my Red face but also failed.

"Oh come on Lucy! I know you like someone! It's even written on your face!" She said

She's right I like him. Him the idiot dragon slayer. Maybe I should tell her.

"Well.....y-yes I-I like s-someone"

"Natsu right?"

"How did you know?"

"I can see it when you look at him it's different from how you look at gray or the other boys. its more like love that friend" She frowned

"I'm sorry Lissanna, I know you two have been best friends and I know yo-"
She cut me off, AGAIN

"It's ok I understand. BUT I will tell the whole guild." she smirk and ran off

"LISSANNA COME BACK HERE! PLEASE DONT DO IT IM BEGGING YOU!" I ran after her but she transform in to a cheetah which is so fast that I can't catch up. She stop in the guild door and she pull a knife and stab her own self! I don't know what to do. I ran to her which is the time she shouted.


What she said was a complete lie the guild door burst open and the guild ran to Lissanna and ask if she's ok and they put her to the hospital. Which left me and Natsu alone.

"Natsu all Lissanna said wa-"

He turned around and said the word I never expect he'll say the word that broke my heart into pieces.

" I hate you" and he left.

I was alone I lost my bestfriend the love of my life gramps and everyone.

I drop in the ground and cry, cry so hard that even the rain start pouring down even thou it should be sunny day.

I stood up and ran to my house I didn't care if I bump into sombody I just ran and ran......until I reach my house I open my door and went directly into my bedroom and wrote a letter that says:

Dear Everyone

Please don't throw this Paper! I have something that's important to tell you, I'm sorry, I'm sorry if I cause that much troubles to you all but all I want to tell you was that all Lissanna said was a lie this is the real story:

"Lucy-chan go to the park Lucy-chan!" She said "Sure!"


When we arrive at the park we sat near the big tree. Lissanna started the conversation.

"Soooo do you like someone Lucy?" She asked.

I can feel my blood raising up my cheek . I turn my head at the Side a bit to hide my Red face but also failed.

"Oh come on Lucy! I know you like someone! It's even written on your face!" She said

She's right I like him. Him the idiot dragon slayer. Maybe I should tell her.

"Well.....y-yes I-I like s-someone"

"Natsu right?"

"How did you know?"

"I can see it when you look at him it's different from how you look at gray or the other boys. its more like love that friend" She frowned

"I'm sorry Lissanna, I know you two have been best friends and I know yo-"
She cut me off, AGAIN

"It's ok I understand. BUT I will tell the whole guild" she smirk and ran off

"LISSANNA COME BACK HERE! PLEASE DONT DO IT IM BEGGING YOU!" I ran after her but she transform in to a cheetah which is so fast that I can't catch up. She stop in the guild door and she pull a knife and stab her own self! I don't know what to do. I ran to her which is the time she shouted.


That's the real story all Lissanna said was a lie so I hope you understand and forgive me. I love you all Guys!

P.S. If your reading this Natsu all I want to tell you was I love you with all my heart.

After I finished writing the letter I got up and went to the guild to post the note and went back to my house.

When I came back I went straight to my kitchen ant took out a knife and stab it into my stomach it really hurts but it doesn't compare to what I'm feeling now. After that I just fell down. Tears falling down.

Mira's POV

It's my day-off today but I just went to the guild. When I arrive I found a note pinned in the door I read it and a tear falls down to my cheek I quickly show it to master. Master called the attention of the guild.

The guild look at us and it became quite. He called for Natsu and gave him the letter. After Natsu finish reading he bit his lip and start crying and he fall in to his knees. But he quickly stood up and ran to Lucy's house all of our guild mates even me and master ran to Lucy's house.

When we arrive Natsu start sniffing and he told us he smelled blood. I quickly covers my mouth and start crying.

"Could it be....t-that...Lucy....suicide ?!"
I shouted. We all search for Lucy all over the house and but we found her in the kitchen there life-less.

Natsu's POV

I cried I'm such and idiot! DARN IT

"LUCY! I'm s-sorry.....Why did... I let the one....I love died? WHY?!"

"Lucy I love you"


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