4. Twerk-Out Class and a Stalker

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After my half-asšed run I was frustrated on a level I had no place being near. I wasn't a naturally frustrated woman, usually I was the cool, calm, and collected one. Damn that stupid, cute idiot Dominic. Was he stalking me? Mariah must've blabbed her mouth to this stranger during their little get together last night. Why her drunken, horndog self would tell one of her one-night stands my address, I had no idea.

It would be time for me to head to the academy soon, so I decided to let Kelayna know that I was gonna head out but that I'd be back soon, just in case she got here before I did. I decided I was gonna skip out on my regular classes today, which consisted of 'history of the arts' and some BS art class. The art classes at the academy weren't really my thing, the classes basically consisted of rookie artists trying to portray dancers or actors onto a canvas. So I called bullshįt, the arts -or dancing, specifically- couldn't be put onto a canvas. There are and have never been words to describe the feeling of dance being an art form. I could never get that idea through my thick skull, and I probably never would.

Deciding that I needed to get out of my head for a bit, I headed to the dance studio that me and a couple other dozen people established. Yes I owned, or rather had a share in a dance studio. But there wasn't much to spend on the place - or my share in it. I basically payed a monthly mortgage for the place so I could go in and out of it whenever I wanted to. But because the mortgage was divided between so many people and I taught a few classes here and there for $10 a class, at the end of each month my apartment rent was usually the only thing I worried about. I wasn't in the mood to teach a beginner class today. No, today I'd take a class from a friend of mine. A twerking class.

I got in my car and changed into the spare lavender, leopard print gym outfit I had in there. I hurriedly put the key in the ignition and sped out of my apartment complex's parking lot until I got onto the street. Once on my street I slowed down, I would have said it was because I was in a residential area but that would be a lie. In reality I was hoping to catch a glimpse of Dominic running in all his sweaty glory with his mean looking dog by his side. But of course there was know one to be seen, my dreams were crushed, and my sarcasm at an ultimate high.


I got to the studio in under 20 minutes and when I got there, the place was super busy. I could hear a salsa class going on directly to my left when I walked in and a ballet class going on at the end of the hall. Everyone from little girls and boys to grandmas and grandpas were running around to catch a good dance class. I walked up to receptionist's desk, and waved a hello to William -the receptionist- to ask him when Lehlani's twerk-out class started.

"Well hi there stranger!" He exclaimed before I could say anything, "I haven't seen you all weekend! People ask about you ya know? So should I put you on the schedule?" He added smiling brightly at me, his bright white teeth a definite contrast against the dark mocha of his skin.

As a regular at the studio, I would always give a class or attend a class, so when I would stop coming for a few days people tended to ask when my classes were going to be scheduled next. So by schedule William meant if I wanted to set up a time for a class. Of course I didn't, well at least not today.

"Actually, no. I was just wondering if Lehlani had any classes going on today?"

"Oh okay, cool. Well yeah I'm pretty sure she does.." He paused, scrolling through the list on the computer screen for the scheduled classes that day. ".. Um.. Yeah found it! She has her Twerk-out class in 5 minutes." He said giving me another big cheesy smile.

"Thanks Will! We should catch up soon. Maybe grab some lunch? And you can tell me how that boyfriend of yours is!" I didn't let him reply because I was already rounding the corner to run up the stairs to make sure I didn't interrupt Lehlani's class.

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